I Really Like You (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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I AM BACK BITCHACHOS! Well, I didn't really leave but I have been unvailable for quite some time. Thesis is my priority right now and I don't really do schedules so I just popped out of nowhere. Hey @Justthehipsta :--)

I Really Like You (Luke Hemmings imagine)

You know you're bored that sunny Saturday afternoon when you're, 1.) in your house, 2.) wearing pajamas, 3.) eating a bucket of ice cream while, 4.) watching cartoons with, 5.) your boyfriend, Luke. Aside from being bored, you're sick and you found out lately that it's a flu, so you have to stay at home.

You don't really mind it, school sucks balls anyway. Luke arrives at exactly three-thirty at your house to check up on your health and he will never leave your side until your parents arrive from work. Your home became his home now and you're sometimes embarrassed to his mother, Liz, that he spends most of his free time in your place than theirs. Liz was okay about it, Luke knows his limits with you. When you're alright and your homeworks are done, he would go home by your request.

Luke was the absolute boyfriend anyone could have wished for as a lifetime partner. You could see his dedication towards his works and he's a patient man that you needed to calm yourself with. He's everything you think you're not and he has to comfort you with words of passion and love to tell otherwise. Luke never disappoints you and although there are small fights here and there, mostly misunderstandings, he would always have a guide way back to your heart and tame you with a warm embrace, telling you that you're right so the argument wouldn't get worse. You don't know what you would do if the time comes, he suddenly disappear from your life. You'll be lost from your sanity for quite a while, maybe, and the feeling of loss is unmeasurable.

"Justine, are you still watching?" you looked up to Luke who was standing beside the telecision set with a tray in grasp, containing a bowl of soup and orange juice.

You quickly nodded, "Y-Yeah. I-I was just lost in my thoughts." you said truthfully as he put the tray down and looked up to you in confusion.

"Hm?" he hummed questionably. "What are keeping my baby stressed?" you flushed but you managed to hide it as he gaze down to the tray to grab the bowl and sat beside you.

"It's not really important. Maybe it's just the flu making me idle." he nodded.

"Whatever it is, don't mind it too much." he smiled. "Now say 'ah'!" he brought the spoon near to your mouth as you chuckled to his sentence before you obliged.

"Hey Luke?" he stared at you with those oceanic blue eyes. "Did I already tell you I love you?"

He chuckled and laid the soup down on the coffee table for a moment, "Isn't that a song?"

You rolled your eyes but amused, "Luke, you know what I'm saying."

"I know but what I do not know is where this conversation will lead to, considering you're questioning me out of the blue." he explained as his smile slowly falter. "What is it, Justine?"

You sighed. Luke knows you too well, judging by the fact that he was once your best friend - and still does but he's also acting as your lover - so it's not really a surprise he would read your thoughts almost accurately. "It's just that, you have the strength to come knocking on my door, asking if I'm okay and became my helper for almost the entire week. I love that about you and I don't know if you're annoyed by that fact but I do."

He was silent, obviously listening. Once he processed your entire explanation, he warmly smiled and leaned down to kiss your nose. You chuckled from the touch as he placed his forehead onto yours and said, "Justine, I will never get tired of you confessing your love, as well as I am to you. It's like those three words comes out as new each and ever day, and it makes me happy."

"You make me happy, Luke. Thank you."

"This flu is making you sweet, I don't know if I like it to happen more often," you both laughed before he dipped his soft, light pink lips onto yours as you both sync deeply in utter passion and desire for each other. Once you both wanted to grasp for air, he leaned back with a genuine smile never leaving his face, "Did I ever tell you how much I really, really, really like you?"

You smirked, "Isn't that a song?"

He laughed and sang the popular song of Carly Rae Jepsen, " I really really really really really really like you and I want you! Do you want me? Do you want me too?" he sang the chorus almost out of tune and so you were completely amused and even clapped your hands from his little performance.

"I really, really, REALLY like you too, Luke," you leaned forward and placed your hands on his chest as you sat down on his lap. Your voice became small but he was all ears, "You have no idea how much."

He smiled and wanted to lean in for another roundof kiss but retreated when you let out a sneeze on his shirt, making Luke laugh before grabbing the tissue box behind him. You blushed from embarrassment but he only massaged your back as you sneeze on the tissue he gave you and said nothing.

One think for sure, you both liked each other so much to let each other go. Your thoughts were finally at peace.

I hope it's good???

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