Still (Calum Hood imagine)

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The title's a bit rush xD That Calum imagine I'm debt to Danica for 2 days, here ya go :--)

Still (Calum Hood imagine)

Danica bit her lower lip while she's holding the paper Calum Hood gave to her yesterday. His sloppy handwriting was still familiar to her and it enlightens her day for a bit.

Hi let's meet at the diner downtown, 8 please? x -Cal

Calum Hood was always fresh into Danica's mind; a loving mate, a caring brother, an awesome best friend, a weird chef and her ex-boyfriend. It was not their fault; they were just too busy that they settle to break up and still be friends. Well, they are friends, just not talking to each other very much. Everything ends with a "fine" or a laugh or a "cool" or an emoji but never was like before.

And Danica felt nervous. All she did was to come up on their album signing for her best friend, Alice, then she's now here walking downtown to the famous diner. What would they talk about? Are they still the same?

She know she'll discover it if she could have just the guts to meet him once again, and she did.

Calum was sitting by the end booth of the diner, nervous and biting his lip as he kept on looking on his phone for the time; 9:12 pm. Good thing the diner's open until midnight and he's close to the owner, so this isn't a major problem for him. The problem he was dealing with is that Danica wouldn't come and that she'll reject his offer, but that ended when he heard the diner bell rang and made him look up.

Danica searched for Calum, the diner was merely half full for a saturday night; jocks and cheerleaders at the front for a victory party, few families celebrating member's birthdays and a small gathering by the corner. She was losing hope that Calum thought she rejected her, it was just because she's doubting. But then at the back of the other tables, there sitted the Calum she'd been finding, looking straight back at her...and wave.

"Here we go," Danica mumbled to herself before she completely entered the diner and walked towards where Calum was. And when she reached Calum, she gave him a closed smile and said, "Am I late?"

Calum smiled, he can also sense her fear as much as he can sense his own, "No, not at all." they both know it's late from the given time, but it was all useless when Danica still arrived and Calum waited for her.

"Did you already ate?" she asked.

"No, did you?" Calum shot back before Danica shook her head and took a sit on the opposite side of him by the table. Calum raised his hand to call out a waitress and she immediately came for their orders.

Danica can't focused much on the menu she recently held, she was too busy catching sight of Calum, memorizing his features once again. Then she heard Calum said, "I'll just have the regular." she was thinking, maybe Calum can't focus on the menu too. But she shook it off, maybe again he just can't decide on what's new.

"I'll have the chicken nuggets and cheeseburger with chocolate milkshake." Calum held his laugh for a while before the waitress left, then he laughed when the waitress' gone.

"What?" her lips spreaded a small smile but she was still confused he's laughing.

"You're still the same." Calum still laughed while Danica rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing's wrong, everything's still perfect." Calum spread his lips to his personal sweet smile, the one with his eyes twinkling and the one that he's really cute. He saw Danica looked away but did smiled, he thought it was successful enough to deal with her after such a long time. "So, you're still working by your aunt's boutique?"

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