The Chase (Ashton Irwin imagine)

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this is for rilene because she's fab and also you can check her soundcloud, she's a cool lass too x

The Chase (Ashton Irwin imagine)

Ashton Irwin has been that notorious boy everyone dislikes being in near distance, even you. So when he was suddenly chasing you to have a conversation, a normal one, you always have a reason to run away. You've heard nasty things about Ashton, you just wanted a nice life as a senior but Ashton wouldn't give you that.

He would give you better than that if you'd only let him in.

He never gave up on you even if you'd ought to reject him way too many times. Not because he wanted you in his pants but because he adored you. He adored you as to what you are and he doesn't have to explain himself about it. He liked you because that's what it is. But you can't see this because you've only seen the rumors coming to form him into something that scares you.

"Rilene, hey wait up!" he would say when you'll hurriedly go back and leave him alone. "Rilene, jesus!" still, you would still run away because this is what you know what's best for you. The best of him to stay away from you too.

Until he became tired of catching you and trying to make you feel the way he's feeling for you. He's human, he became weary and tired of chasing you around in circles. He was a martyr in the first place because he knew you'll just reject him but he didn't stop until now. You find it very strange that no Ashton was in sight or in near distance. You felt like something lost inside that you're hungry for. You wanted something to satisfy you or you're just not used when Ashton suddenly disappeared.

While walking down the hallway, you saw him standing in front of a girl who's compared to you was a bit attractive. You thought of it that way since she's showing too much of her skin when you're comfortable with flannels and jeans. Ashton was glad with her company, considering he was smiling. And when he glanced at you walking, he never cared like you never cared for him in the first place.

He was learning and that's thanks to you.

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