Long Way Home (Luke Hemmings one shot)

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Since it's @FunnyChumChum's birthday today (January 15), I decided to give her something. This was printed from my cousin's printer and I decided to post this too here, just an update! 

Long Way Home (Luke Hemmings one shot)

You're so scared to fall in love 'cause you end up in the dust everytime

The morning breeze was calm and cold that when Luke stood up from being awaken by his alarm clock, he shivered without his blanket. But he didn’t want to go back to bed, no, something was more important than himself or rather, someone. He dragged himself to stand up and ran to his own bathroom to undergo a short warm bath. He stripped his clothes within seconds and adjusted his shower’s temperature to lukewarm before he stepped in. He hummed Predictable by Good Charlotte and tried not to get his nervousness to top over his morning. He doesn’t want to ruin it, especially for you. It was a cold five o’ clock Saturday morning and tad bit unusual for his parents that he would wake up that early for something but he’s hyped about it and they understand the situation, even what would happen next by the time the day ends. They just don’t take time to talk about it but they were informed by it.

By the time Luke was already dressed with his casual clothes, he also packed his bag with other necessities that he needed throughout the day. He looked at his reflection before he left his room; his classic red flannel, his classic blank skinny jeans and his classic black pair of boots. He ran down to greet his parents in the dining room and his two brothers who were quite arguing about something that Luke couldn’t—and probably wasn’t planning to—comprehend. He slid down on one of their seats as his mother prepared him pancakes stacked to four. He chewed on his food silently after he prayed. He didn’t said anything or asked anything as his family does the same to him. Nonetheless, he’s too caught up with his speeding thoughts that he wouldn’t probably listen attentively to anyone so might as well leave him be.

After a few minutes of quietude, he stood up from his seat and headed inside their kitchen with his plate in his left hand and his emptied orange juice in his other hand. His mother looked up to him and smiled before he gave her a smile back and placed the two down the sink. His mother was still gorgeous with her shoulder-length blonde hair, the same color with Luke’s, while her eyes twinkling with happiness and contentment. She never failed the family with her position as a mother of three boys since she’s doing the best in her reach. Luke was proud to have her and kind of disappointed to himself that he’s bringing too much of his free time towards you but it never bothered Liz, it was normal.

He’s in love with you.

He’s doing it properly in secreting for more than a year and now was the time to end it. Not because he couldn’t take it anymore and might blow up at the wrong time but because it’s what he think was right. You have every right to know his secrets as he have every right to know yours as best friends. It was something he would never regret to say in front of you, either he receives an acceptance or a rejection. And he found this time to tell you his deeper secrets or rather, deeper feelings. Moreover, his feelings only build up like hallow blocks creating a perfect building when back in year ’12, you told him that you appreciate his covers on his YouTube account. As classmates for so long, he didn’t realized one of those people would actually like what he does in the field of music (except his two best friends; Michael and Calum). From that moment on, you cheered and supported on their band in every way you can and he enjoyed your company. He enjoyed you and your cheery personality that he didn’t realized he’s finding that kind of ecstatic in him every moment when you’re not there. It took him time to make him able to plant these thoughts until year ’13 he had come to the point that he really liked you and admitted it to his friends except you.

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