Little Secret (Michael Clifford imagine)

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@WhyAreYouAlex asked for an imagine for her so why the heck not? Well that is, if I have any idea how to start this off. Lately, I've been running out of ideas and also, I'm getting kind of addicted to Harvest Moon so bear with this, please. I'm sorry if jokes are lame or what, I'm not good with it AND DNFOGITNB 6K READS WOW GUYS YOU ARE THE BOMB DIGGITY PARTY AT MY ROOM YEY 

p.s i did this like a week ago im sorry pls forgive me

Little Secret (Michael Clifford imagine) 

Michael: im so bored ugh cant we go back to your room now

Lexia: well they would find out we're away if we do that

Lexia: and why are you texting me? we're in the same room dumbass

Michael: well dumbass everyone's here especially your brother's like, what? four inches away from you?

Michael: you dont like me slipping up do you

Michael: or i could already tell them so i could already wrapped you around my arms and snuggle the whole day

Lexia: omigod michael stop yourself

Lexia: my brother would beat you up

Michael: if your brother would beat me up but i could get to make out with you after then im in

Lexia: except making out and beating up, what should we do?

Lexia: like they've been playing for the whole day and i havent got my turn

Michael: yeah he's been losing to calum and the others from playing smash bros

Michael: they havent gave me the controller after the first game

Lexia: dont be cocky babe

Michael: oh come on playing smash bros isn't the only thing im good playing at ;)


Michael: you like it! ;)x

You rolled your eyes at him as he kept a playful smirk on his lips. The moment was abruptly stopped when Luke called out from the kitchen - or to be specific, your family's kitchen - to tell everyone that they ran out of beverage and chips. You see, your parents were gone to a business trip and it's just you and your brother around during the weekends. So your brother invited Michael and the others to play games and just hang out.

Little did they know, Michael's your boyfriend and it's been a solid month of hiding this relationship with him. Not that you're embarrassed to be with him and you just said yes to be his girlfriend - no. Your brother's friends with him even before you met them personally and your brother don't like it when his own sister would pick one of his friends to be her boyfriend, and not anybody out of the circle. It's weird for him and same idea goes for your friends, considering that both of you are on the same grade level.

But with Michael's flirty personality, you were drawn to him more than to anyone. The good thing was that even before any of your feelings were involved, you were already close to Michael so everyone wouldn't be crept out when you guys suddenly want to be close every other day. You're just hoping the secret haven't been out because if you had to choose between Michael and your brother, it'll be tough.

"I'll go," Michael raised his hand voluntarily and stood up. "I'll go buy 'em."

Everyone took this by surprise that even your brother and Calum paused the game to stare strangely at Michael. Michael's the least person that would go buy something for someone's errand, he's the laziest among the group. "Wait, you sure?" Ashton asked in assurance.

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