Race You There (Michael Clifford one shot)

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this is dedicated to Lexi :)

Race You There (Michael Clifford one shot)

"Alessandraaaa~" I was called by my first name that morning, groaning to the fact that it's early for Michael to arrive at my house. I've been best of friends with Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton for as long as I could remember. And right now, they're knocking but I don't want to open it for them.

"Go away." I said before I shut my eyes to sleep again. But of course, these guys don't take 'no' for an answer. I immediately heard my door creeked open but I didn't want to see them.

"Wakey wakey." I heard Michael in his horrible old lady voice ever, which made me try not to laugh.

"Get up, Sleeping Beauty." Luke said but I still didn't listen.

"Oh Ashton..." I heard Calum's thick Australian accent with whispers after. The next thing I knew is that I felt someone is in front of me that smelled like...pizza. What the fluke! Weakness!

"Come on now, wake up Alessandra." it was Ashton who said that while I tried not to focus on the smell; pepperoni, pizza, bacon, cheese and pizza. I can't handle it's deliciousness going through my nostrils, it made my stomach grumble and it's getting harder for me to resist.

"You cannot resist temptation." Calum teased and he's right. I opened my tired eyes and grabbed the pizza in front of me to eat it, looking like a monster in front of my best friends but I didn't mind.

They chuckled, "There should be an alarm clock that makes you smell pizza everyday." Luke suggested with a smile on his face, his left dimple showing.

"I would love to buy tons of that!" Michael volunteered with a nice grin. Now that I mention Michael, he looks hot this morning. I don't know, out of these sexy beasts best friends of mine, I felt attracted to Michael. But maybe it's just that I'm hungry.

"Why do you guys woke me up so early?" I dare to ask while munching away Ashton's pizza. His last pizza to be specific.

"12 in the afternoon was never early and besides, we're going at the carnival!" Ashton cheered, two cute dimples showing.

"It's our last day today before we go so why not hang out with our buddy?" Calum flunked beside me on my bed and wrapped his arm over my shoulder as I grabbed another bite.

"If that's the case, I'm going to take a shower." I put the last piece of my pizza inside my mouth and munched it gently. I got up of my bed and headed to the bathroom. When I still see them not moving, I told them, "What are you guys waiting for? Shoo!" they all looked at each other with a goofy smile then left my room. Guys.


I wasn't excited about the carnival since I always go there with my friends and family but since the four always bring surprises and weird stuff in mind, everything was just amazing. After 2 hours of lining up and going to the rides (sometimes postponed because fans take pictures and wants an autograph), we headed to a Macca's kiosk to buy food. They talked about their first ever album and wanting me to have it for free so why would I disagree to that? Then conversation goes to something personal.

"So Alessandra, something happened when we're gone?" Luke said while I silently groaned to my name. I told them countless times to call me "Alex" but they never listen.

"Anyone dating you?" Calum eagerly asked as I just stare at him.

"No one's dating me!" I cracked a laugh as if that's the worst question ever but I'm trying to drop the subject. "Why would they date me?"

"Then who's 'NewBrian' on Twitter that you're chatting with?" I gulped my food with my insides clenching when Michael asked this. He looked at me straight in my eyes and I'm avoiding it as possible. "With all those heart emojis and 5 smiling faces at the end of your tweets to him?"

"Why do you care?" I put my burger down on its wrapper on the table after I shot back a question.

"Are you kidding me? We're best of friends." Michael reasoned out.

"But why do you keep stalking my profile? It's mine and it's none of your business."

"Okay now," Ashton quickly interjected after my sentence, standing up to wave his hand in front of us to get rid off the tension. "We're just asking, okay? Calm down."

"We already know." Michael still wants to pursue this. "We just want you to say it to us since we're not strangers here."

"I'm sorry Alessandra," Calum pouted sadly in front of me who sat in between Michael and Ashton. "Michael told us about your ex-boyfriend and how you guys fought over Twitter."

"We can't really put it aside as if it didn't happened," Luke calmly said. "We just wanna know if you're okay."

"I was okay when you guys didn't ask." I hissed but then I regretted it and suddenly I broke down in front of them. "I-I'm sorry, I justー"

"I'm the one at fault, please don't cry Alex!" my breath suddenly hitched when I heard Michael, for the first time ever, said "Alex" to me. I saw him got up from his seat and walked to me just so he could wrapped his muscular arms to my body. "I-I just can't h-help if youーif heーif they do this to y-you without meーus by your side." he stammered and can't even look for the right words.

"It's okay," I tried not to sob so loud just by thinking about the past. "I-It's your job t-to be the-there in each o-other's backs."

"Yes it is and I'm going to make you happy this day." he gently touched my chin and faced me to him. He leaned just exact for me to see his green orbs. All I could think at that moment is to let him lean just one more and kiss me. Darn. "D-Do you want the Carousel? Or t-the Water Splash? Or maybe the Rollerーokay, you might cry during the ride so no for that."

"I thought it's the happy day!" Calum reasoned out to Michael that made us turn to look at him. "You can't miss the roller coaster!"

"I gotta agree." Luke said before he pat the table hard as if he's some kind of a jury. I smiled, I felt blessed.

"Then the roller coaster it is!" I declared and they cheered like kids.

"What are we waiting for?" Ashton said when the three of them already got up from their seats.

"The last one smells like a rotten egg!" Calum said while he already ran going to the roller coaster area so the two also ran behind since they don't want to be the last. Who wants to smell like a rotten egg anyway? When I stood up to also run, Michael gently grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. My cheeks suddenly heated, even my ears from the action he did.

"I'll explain later." the last thing he said to me before he kiss the center of my forehead, his soft lips touching my forehead skin. It was addicting at first touch, I didn't even realize he already leaned back. He touched my nose and smiled, "Race you there."

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