Busy (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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like me (i did not proof read)

Busy (Luke Hemmings imagine)

Two consecutive weeks had passed and three dates later, you still haven't figured out who Luke was busy into. You're talking about his addition towards his phone and every five minutes, he would grab his phone for any message he's expecting to get. You were absolutely bothered by this and not a single bit you weren't concern. Obviously, you're a girl and sometimes you can't help but to think that he's doing something wrong to end your lovely five-year relationship.

With this thought running in your head, you tried to take his phone in secrecy, only to be caught or never done it all since he always have his phone in his grasp. You sighed that Saturday afternoon, battling with yourself not to cry since you never had any proof that he was cheating on you. Baffled, you tried to focus on the tv series you were seriously getting into lately and almost stayed up late at nine without moving from your couch.

When you realized this, you stood up with all of your might and shut the television. Luke will be home in an hour, doing his work on their second album. You understand the situation, you're a fan of them before this relationship started. You took your phone from your pocket and texted Luke to check if he's alright and did he even ate anything, considering that Luke never eats when he's too stressed. You know he would reply within milliseconds as if he would know you were going to send something but not tonight.

As soon as you opened the room where you both sleep, you noticed in the dark there was a small light flashing over and over. You opened the lights and was surprised to see Luke's phone lying peacefully on the night table on Luke's side. He forgot his phone! But why didn't he bother to ask anyone to text you about it? Your curiosity raised up high. This is the moment you've been waiting for. You grasped lightly onto Luke's phone and opened his lock within a second. You saw your message and another one from someone you don't know but has a name of a woman you never wanted to see. But bravely you opened the message and read the latest one:

Good evening Mr. Hemmings!
The bouquet of (insert your favorite flowers) you have requested was successfully made for this plan, the event is also being prepared. Also, the cake has been delivered upon the address you've gave us.

Thank you,
R & R Cake Boutique

You looked surprised and almost lose energy to even grasp the phone. As if on cue, you heard light foosteps going upstairs. You turned around and saw your boyfriend, smiling, with a box you assumed is a cake in hand. Due to the overwhelming feeling you have at that moment, you can't help it but to wrapped your arms around his neck for an embrace. He also gently wrapped his arms and chucled softly against your ear, "I knew you would take my phone soon."

A tear escaped from your eye, "Why are you doing this?" you were glad and you knew Luke was going to surprise you somehow.

He wiped the tear when you leaned back and replied, "Well, I have something in mind like creating a new book of memories and just be with you."

"I am with you."

"But I want something more. I want everyone to witness that you're mine." you can't help but to cry from joy. He chuckled slightly, "Just don't cry yet, princess. Tonight, we celebrate our anniversary one day before."

pretty lame ugh

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