The Truth Is (Luke Hemmings imagine) pt. 2 out of 4

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The Truth Is (Luke Hemmings imagine)
pt. 2 out of 4

It has been two years. Oh boy, Luke didn't let you go after that day just like that. He courted you all over again but it took you a lot to reject him. He wrote unreleased songs and sent them all to you but you only neglected him until one day, he finally stopped.

It has been two years. The band's latest tour was all over the news and all your close friends still wondered why you let a successful, handsome boy go. If they only knew he was more than just handsome.

"I got VIP tickets, Y/N! God, I am so lucky!" your best friend told you one day. "You gotta come with me and see the love of your life."

"Heck no!" although after all those time, you really wanted to. You know when you love someone, it doesn't go away by the end of the day, it gradually increases. It was hard. "I'm happy for you but I'm not going."

"Oh come on." you gave her/him the look. After a while, (s)he raised her/his arms in mid-air. "Fine. I'll just bring someone else. But I won't let you off the hook yet!"

You laughed it off, thinking (s)he'll eventually forget. "Yeah, okay." but (s)he wasn't kidding at all.

By the time you were binge watching to your favorite tv series, your phone lit up, signalling that you have a message. You picked it up, half glued to the screen as you unlocked your phone.

When you saw the message, it was from your best friend saying, "I'm here!!! They're playing my favorite song. Wanna hear it??" after the message, (s)he sent you a video of the boys playing "Castaway".

You knew their songs even after all those times and you loved every song they're making. Because of it, you didn't focus on the series and unconsciously wept a tear or two.

You missed Luke. Your heart aches. Your mind regrets. But you still ought it's for the best.

A new message from the same person showed up, together with a picture. "Hey Y/N...Lukey doesn't look good feel good" and it was a picture of Luke with bags under his eyes, looking tired.

"You think he still haven't gotten over you?" (s)he messaged after.

You have your fingers ready to tap the letters and form the sentences into life. You wanted to tell the truth, your great mistake, the fault. You wanted to tell how badly you missed everything...

"Touring is not easy. And besides, why do I have to care? 2 years already passed." yet your pride controlled you at the last minute and sent a horrible message.

After a while, your best friend replied, "Yeah you're right. I keep hoping you still love him but I guess I'm only hoping for nothing. Anyways, I'll message you later!!"

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