"5 ES OH ES 5EVER" (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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"5 ES OH ES 5EVER" (Luke Hemmings imagine)

They said that it wasn't true when one look of your idol, he would instantly see you and fell in love at first sight. Well it wouldn't be true if you're not carrying a big banner with lights to decorate it while dancing to the beat. Luke thought it was pretty cool rather than call you weird. On your banner, you've written "5 ES OH ES 5EVER LUKE IRWIN PLS NOTICE ME SENPAI" just for the sake of your best friend daring you to do it. Your best friend got the idea of it when she somehow felt that only fake fans have the majority of going to events like Derp Con and/or meeting them at Meet N' Greet. You somehow felt that it'll be a great idea and it'll get one of them to notice you, finally.

And it did worked because during the middle of the song, Luke got his eyes locked onto you. Not because of the banner but somehow when he take his eyes off from you, he instantly forgets your face. He's like, seeking more of you and even if he had the right to look away, he can't because he'll forget your face again. Luke almost forgot to say his lines if it wasn't for Calum, he just laughed it inside his head while he's still looking at you. At your view, you knew he's looking at you because you've been looking back just to confirm if he really was.

After the concert, he took his guitar off from his neck and jumped down off the stage to run to you. He's trying to remember you again when you were suddenly gone from the sea of people. Girls were swarming Luke which made it harder for him to find you until Calum and Michael came down as well to help. He nodded to the two before he ran in search for you until he found you jumping around due to excitement. You then stopped when you felt his hand wrapped around your petite wrist. You looked at him and your eyes widened, making your body tremble from nervousness.

"Uh, hey." he didn't really plan to say anything but he wanted to somehow hear your voice.

"Hi." you barely said.

"Hey," he mentally slapped himself when he said almost the same thing. "So uhm, I noticed you and your cute banner." he glance on the banner your best friend was holding. She was also shocked as well. She could have took her phone but he was too frozen to move. "I was wondering if you guys have a name?"

"I'm [your best friend's name]." your friend quickly answered.

Luke smiled at her then looked back at you like he's waiting for your answer, "Mary." his smile grew wide like a grin. "I'm Mary." you repeated when you found your voice again.

"I'm Luke Hemmings, you might not know." he jokingly said which made you chuckle with your best friend.

"Well, nice to meet you." you bit your lower lip. "C-Can we take a picture with you?"

"I'm glad but Luke Irwin might get jealous," he still pressed on which made you roll your eyes teasingly. "Sorry if I'm pretty lame to make conversations."

"You're adorable." you truthfully said.

"Well, you're beautiful." you blushed. "What? Am I doing it wrong?" he giggled. "Come on, let's get that picture spread on the internet."

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