Polly (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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8 - 16 - 14 (yeah and it's already 10 - 12 - 14 today when i published this lol)

This is dedicated to no one in particular and I was just listening to Cry (if you know him on YT) as he read "The World's Greatest Psychologist" but it's not with the same plot. And not really connected to this imagine.

* I'm also sorry if you're wondering why am I posting too bitter imagines lol too caught up with life so

* D/N is "Dream Name" in case you're wondering and never read this 

Polly (Luke Hemmings imagine)

"Okay, Mr. Hemmings, how's your day?" he was wearing a blue striped polo shirt with one button up loose and he has this smile that wasn't bad as Luke thought he would be. His name was Dr. Joker Walters, aged 27 and engaged, which Luke thinks was a cool name.

It has been day 2 when Luke was suggested by his parents to do this psychology talking by the end of his classes with Dr. Walters. Luke declined at first, independently saying he's totally fine, but he was only lying to himself which brought him here.

"I'm good in my subjects and I've acedー"

"No," Dr. Walters waved his hand to make Luke stop his sentence. "I mean, how is your day today?"

Luke furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Is something bothering you or did you end up the day by stating you don't need any help?" Luke thought for a moment. He did perfect in his classes lately but that's that, it's natural for Luke to pass when he copies the lectures. He sighed as his thoughts drove deep and those buried memories he planned to burn away became opaque.

A year ago, August 16, was the time he would never forget that happen horribly in his life. He was 18 at that timeーafter the tragedy, he flunk all his subjects and even got suspended for a week when his frustration led him to a fight with his favorite math teacherーand what happened was new to him. He haven't let that go and he blame himself for it.

"Luke?" he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Dr. Walter with a reassuring smile. "I want to help you with the best I can because your parents trust me on their child that they knew I, as a psychologist, have the cure. So, trust me and tell me what has been bothering you."

Luke turned his gaze on his fiddling fingers before he sighed and turned his sight to him again saying, "I guess it would take long."

Dr. Walters stood up and motioned the blue-eyed child to the brown leather sofa after he responded, "I don't really give a damn if we would stay here all night for your story, I want to help you. That's my main goal." Luke nodded and obliged to where the doctor motioned him. "Now close your eyes and tell me what do you see."

「 」

It was a year ago, almost summer and just the finals to finish, when I met her. H-Her name's Y/N and...she's just beautiful. I could still remember the scent of her hair, her addiction over plush toys and her smooth, soft hands holding my mixtape. It's just a fun mixtape where I put jazz music like Bob Acri, Bob James, Miles Davis and other famous people in the genre of Jazz. I never thought she would like it. I never even realized it was inside my backpack for 3 days. She said she saw it from the hallway beside the trash bin and knew me as the guy with mixtapes. I was just influenced by my friends to do so ever since. Y/N has been the girl I had my classes with; she had this green headphones hanging around her neck, a pink highlighter rotating in between her two fingers while reading a book and she's the girl who always greet everyone. I thought being her classmate for so long makes me feel like I've known her as well with every observation and little conversations when doing a group work, but wow I was wrong.

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