Okay (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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Just wanna say that i was here lol  dedicated to FunnyChumChum because she's fab and an amazing friend to fangirl with i love her (we have an affair behind luke sorry hemmings)

Okay (Luke Hemmings imagine)

Alexi's POV

"Yeah, I'm fine." I gave them a weary smile after Eya and my twin sister, Angeli asked me.

"Are you sure?" Eya asked while she stopped wiping table number 7. "You've been working your ass off to this job recently."

"Yup." I reassured her. When we're about done, we packed our things and changed to our clothes from bakery clothes. We locked the bakery and then waved Eya goodbye as she headed north while we head east to our homes.

Angeli then looked at me as we walk, "I know you're not okay because obviously you answered fine." I laughed it off, she had a point on being literal in speaking.

"I'm just tired."

"Of crying?" the laugh was already dismissed by what she had said, maybe a bit straight to the point. "I know he's already gone a year now and you're not going to heal after a 3-year relationship."

"What if I do?" I challenged her although I know to myself he's gone... I have nothing to do with it. He's away and he's out of my reach.

"We're twins, you wouldn't dare to, you'll break down in a minute." she's right, I'm weak. No matter how I try, there's this point that a wind will appear and break down the cards I've been building up. "Look, I'm not saying this to put you down and let you cry a bucket. I just know you no matter how you deny it."

"Then, I am." I told her, truthfully. I walked slow as she does also while I averted my eyes to the sidewalk where we are. "He told me "To Be Continued", he told me there's forever, he always reminds me every day is a beautiful day, is this an exception? He told me he'll be there with every tear that falls but why isn't he there? Why isn't he catching me? Why did he have to leave? Why did he have to say goodbye when there's no good at it? Why can't I have answers?" I ranted to her, I can't help but let another batch of tears fall on my cheeks as resemblance of his figure and eyes and hair and smile flooding in my mind as I spoke.

He promised. He broke.

He left unsaid.

We changed each other then left me in half.

The time was the blame for our little infinity. Now I'm alone without him, I was left off to the start again. It's as if I'm starting without him again but as a changed person,

I don't want that. I want him here.

I want his hug, I want his words to calm me, I want his voice that makes me fall asleep, I want his whispers of love out of the blue, I want his blue eyes looking through mine whenever he says he loves me, I want him to kiss me whether I'm mad or not, I want his smile whenever I'm sad, I want the Luke Hemmings that I love and will always love, I want him not to forget me, are those hard for heavens to give in? Fck everything, fck for what had happened, fck the fight and fck for what I've told him before.

I was wrong.

I should be blame too.

I wanna rewind the time and set things right.

I bet he's mad at me now, wherever he is.

"Alexi?" I looked at Angeli who was blurry into my vision. I immediately hugged her, no words needed, she hugged back. We were in that position for a moment before she whispered, "It's fine, it's okay. I know it's rough for you but the least that could make Luke happy is for you to accept it, for you to be happy the way he wanted you to be happy in life. Luke will be proud, I just feel he will be."

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