Back To You (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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this is for khristine and i know the title's from cody simpson

Back To You (Luke Hemmings imagine)

"I'm coming!" I yelled as I hurriedly ran down to open the door. As I swing the door open, I found two familiar men standing on my doorstep, one was Michael and one was Luke. One's my bestfriend, one's my ex-boyfriend. I was surprised that they're dripping wet and their only choice to go was through my house. "Goodness gracious, what happened?" Luke was with bruises and smelt strong liquor while Michael was wearing his ripped shirt and has bruises as well.

In other words, they looked crap.

"Heeeey Khristineeee!" Luke slurred his words when he greeted me. I feel ache on his situation but I tried not to show it.

"Can we come in first or are we not welcome?" Michael asked irritatingly. I sighed and let them in. They collapsed on the ground before they could even step one foot to the living room. Michael rolled around and laid his back on the floor, grasping for air with his eyes closed. Luke, however, was unconscious or I assumed he blacked out because of the liquor he drank. "Your boyfriend here started a fight when he's a fucking wimp compared to them."

"Not my boyfriend," I corrected before I headed out to the kitchen to grab some ice. "And why the hell did he put himself to some fight?"

"Whatever," I felt him behind me and then stood beside me while munching an apple from his grasp. "Feeble he is. He's drunk, what do you expect him to do?"

"Where were you?" I looked at him but he didn't dare to make a contact.

"I was on my date when he called." he bit his apple in anger. "He's the reason why I'm still single, goddamn." I ignored his rant when I got the ice pack ready. He followed me anyway and helped me to get Luke's unconscious body to the sofa. I asked him to get the First Aid kit in my room and he just nodded, still mumbling under his breath. I shook my head and continue to somehow stop the bleeding of his bruises with the ice pack.

Somehow he got a little sense that someone with an ice pack was there so he opened his eyes. He moved a little so I said, "Stop moving." he immediately looked at me. I can still see he's drunk and he's barely fighting it. He almost induced nausea, which I quickly respond with a plastic bag nearby, but it was discontinued.

When Michael got back with the First Aid kit, I thanked him and opened it so I could take the things I needed for his bruises. Good thing I listened to my Health class during my first years. Michael excused himself when his "hot date" called him about what had happened back there. I chuckled but I let him so it's me and Luke again. Luke couldn't stop staring at me, maybe it's because he's drunk. He was never like this when we were together and I don't want to think this is because of me. I already told him everything and he agreed so it's not my fault. I became honest to him and he wanted me back but I already told him no. We stayed friends because he said that's the closest thing he could get in touch with me and I agreed.

"Did you trim your hair?" he noticed.

"No shit, Sherlock." I jokingly said.

"Well that looks good on you too," he smiled but it wasn't complete. "Guys must be falling head over heels for you."

I stopped and just stared at him, "Okay fighter boy, what are you implying here?" I don't want him to have his hopes on me when it's already over. I never wanted him to change this way, I never told him to be this way. But somehow, I feel guilty because he's hurting himself like this.

"Okay you got me," he raised his hands in mid-air, surrendering. "This is the time I'll say I want you back and you would tell me this shouldn't be right. What do you want me to do? I don't wanna let you just like that. It still breaks me and I can't take it. I wanna be happy for you because you're happy but I can't because I'm not the reason of your positive actions. What did I ever do wrong to you?"

"You didn't do nothing, Luke. Don't put the blame on you!" I heaved a sigh and sat straight. "The sparks already fade and you need to move on." you can't take this, it's one of his closures again. He wanted a closure, I already told him everything. I stood up but he stopped me by pulling me to sit again.

"I still feel it," he wanted me to look at him straight but I can't. It's something I can't look, it's unbearable. The last time I looked at him like that was when I broke down and cry in front of him. It was pure sadness and I could feel myself syncing once again, knowing him again. "I still feel my heart beating for you and even if I tried to look to other girls, you're all I could think of. You're giving me this treatment and I can't handle it. Every second, I wanted to feel you again and I want you to be here by my side. I can't lose you, not yet and I'm uncertain for when I could let you go." I felt the familiar tears building up but I'm trying my best to let them stay that way."

"Can't you see, Luke?!" I shrugged his touch although I somehow like it to stay. "I don't deserve you. I will never pour the love as much as you pour to mine. Someone out there, deserves you better and you're going to find her!" I stood up and stomped my feet in annoyance.

He stood up as well and almost shouted, "But I don't wanna find her! Even if I deserve her better, I still want you! I want you even though you don't deserve me because every inch of me screams you. I don't wanna find anybody because the one I'm wanting is right here, in front of me and I'm not going to lose her again." a tear left his right eye and rolled down on his cheek, joined by another one until he's sobbing. "I love you so much, Khristine, I'm willing to get us back together and if I should risk my life, I would just for you." he slowly knelt down in front of me while saying this and I can't help but to tear up.

"Will you be my girlfriend again?" this boy, I can't even.

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