Calum the Messenger (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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this is for yahniel her name's cute aha

Calum the Messenger (Luke Hemmings imagine)

Yahniel. Yahniel. Yahniel. Your name was still ringing in his ears when Calum said it. Luke always see you at school, just walking along the hallway with your friends laughing about something he would likely to join but he was just a stranger to you. Aside the fact he wasn't on the same classes with you, he find it very frightening to talk to you. You were with your friends and he would snatch a glance of you from afar, like a mild admiration.

Calum knew how crazy Luke was with you and since he's in some of your classes, he's trying his best to talk to you about him. He's like the famous frontman of the school band, who wouldn't admire him? You liked Luke because of his beautiful voice when singing and he's surrounded by people who are as talented as he is, who wouldn't like him? But he doesn't know and either does Calum but again, you would give clues that he had a chance of dating you.

Calum, being the messenger and the bridge of you two, told everything to Luke and he would tell parts by parts to you. Since either of you would like to talk to each other personally, he decided to become in between.

Until the week of prom.

Luke was pushed by Calum to do it, to ask you out for the prom. It was a now or never situation and he's risking for acceptance or rejection, but Calum was sure enough you'll say yes. Luke, now sweating in his semi-formal clothes, stood in front of everyone in the cafeteria. Oh how he loved publicity...not. Everyone was too busy with themselves and their food that when Luke strummed his guitar, they halt into a solemn quietude to stare at him. You looked at him as well and you caught him staring at you, leaving your cheeks in the color of fair pink. He was singing "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran and just by staring at you, you could feel his intention was really towards you.

Everyone knew it. They can feel the warm contact from both of you. It only became obvious when the song already ended and Luke spoke through the microphone, "Hi, I'm Luke. I'm Calum's best friend that's been saying a lot of things to you from me. And I wanted you to ask or have your permission to take you to the prom? Or a date after that? Or maybe both, that'll be a win-win."

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