Skinny Love (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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yes i am still alive

Skinny Love (Luke Hemmings imagine) 

"So, um," he nervously started during the long span of silence. "I-I think they left us on purpose." you're in a skinny love with Luke, as what the other three guys told the both of you. Michael said you're too obvious about your feelings towards him and the same goes for Luke, in which both of you are so in denial.

You think it's in Luke's nature to be nice and sweet. Luke thinks you're just being friendly.

"Y-Yeah," you stammered. "So, where should we go now?"

"H-How about we stay here? You know," he scratched the back of his head, looking everywhere else but you. "This is quite a good place." you glanced at your surroundings and he was right; it's the carnival. You then mentally shook your head and reminded yourself that you needed to punch the guys when you get home. You thought this was ridiculous but you couldn't help but to enjoy every moment.

"Luke?" you called out but in a whisper.

"We can ride the roller coaster or the boat that goes up and down--"

"Luke," you called out again and he turned his full attention to you without a doubt, his hand behind his head fell down to his side. "What are we?" his eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "I mean, what's our status? Everyone knows I-I like you." you muttered the three last words but Luke heard it clearly.

His cheeks warmed as he replied, "Well, y-yeah. I don't know but everyone knows you too." your pulse beat rapidly with those simple words and yet, it touched your heart genuinely. You felt silent, you can't think of any words; speechless. He then lifted your chin and your eyes immediately caught his blue eyes, glistering with passion and love. "How about we call this a date and let's see where this takes us? Deal?"

You smiled and can't help but to steal a quick kiss from him. His lips were soft and warm, you tend to remember that. You then ran and looked behind to see Luke frozen still and in shock. You called his name and said, "Last to the roller coaster will buy lunch!" and everyone also knows you eat...a lot.

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