Answer (Luke Hemmings one shot)

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this is dedicated to @MsSilentMysteryXoxo because she's amazing

Answer (Luke Hemmings one shot)

"Why won't you answer the guy? It has been two months." Jessy, my best friend told me as soon as the blonde guy that has been courting me left. I bit my lower lip and looked at my arms where I carried a beautiful bouquet and one letter from Luke. Yes, the Luke Hemmings from Norwegian Christian College. He goes here in my school because of me and of course, the principal permitted him any time.

Ever since he got a vacation after their tour and releasing of first album, he got to fly here in the Philippines all by himself (just add the guards). My mom working as a tour guide met Luke, then met me when he suggested to come over. Luke and my mom were instantly close over two months and since I've never got a boyfriend, I already know where this is getting at.

And it happened.

He comes awkwardly talking to me, which is cute, and he'll always suggest to cook for me and my mom in my house, surprise, yes. Then comes the time when he was already going home, I walked him to our house gate.

"I'm going to court you, Aria." he instantly had the courage to tell it to me. Of course I know he has feelings towards me, I just want to forget it since I'm too scared to commit. My parents got annuled, that's why, and it was tough.

"Ha? What? No." my initial reaction that I blurted out.

He smiled at me and said, "It's not a question."

"Hello? Earth to Maria Norfina Mae!" Jessy waved her hand to me and I immediately focused on the reality. She sighed, "I said, you're lucky like Aleisha Mcdonald! Say it that he's handsome, sexy, adorable, weird, the gel guyー"

"I get it, Jessy." I told her as we're walking home since we're neighbors, we walked together. Luke suggested to take me home but someone called him on his phone and he needed to go. "It's just that, he's a singer now. They're too busy to have a relationship."

"But can't you see? Luke wanting to court you everyday and putting an effort to every action he does." Jessy counted. "The boy's serious!"

I sighed, "We got different worlds, Jessy. Even if he goes in a relationship with me, it'll never work. Remember when they broke up? That's the reason." Jessy's smile dropped and sighed too,

"Yeah, I know that. I just didn't think you'll be on the same situation."

When I arrived at home, mom wasn't still there and only Grandma Dorothy was there, watching TV. "Oh honey," she smiled to me as soon as she saw me by the door. "Luke called before you arrive."

"What did he say?" I asked grandma. Somewhere inside me, I was really wiggling like crazy that he called like "omg he called me gawd i cannot handle this" but somewhere on the other side, I was calm as a banana.

"He wants to go out with you later at 8. He said he wanted to make it up to you since he didn't gave you a ride home." Grandma still has a smile on her face. "Have you answered the blonde boy?"

"No, Grandma. I don't want to take risks just like that, especially he's on a band and he's famous." I told her too.

"Maria," she always calls me. "Life is taking risks. I know that boy already know the possibilities and yet, he's putting an effort that you didn't even ask for him to do. He adored you with so much passion, he always call here as if we are his family for the last two months, and you should know boys these days are lazy enough to put an effort to someone they

don't even like. Thank the heavens, he's wide awake and wanting to do everything he can for you."

"But I'm not pushing you, Maria. You have your own feelings, you know more about him than I do and tonight, you're going to tell him straight what you really feel. May it be hard for you two or a blessed day for the both of you." Grandma was right, I don't even know she can offer an advice like that. But then, it must be the Korenovelas she's been watching every night.

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