The Truth Is (Luke Hemmings imagine) pt. 3 out of 4

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The Truth Is (Luke Hemmings imagine)
pt. 3 out of 4

Your best friend was telling you how amazing the concert was and still has the post-concert syndrome (s)he's been talking about. (S)he was a huge fan of them so wanting to move on from Luke was never easy. You wanted to tune out from her/his storytelling as you find new clothes at the mall.

"And Michael's guitar solo was freaking amazeballs! He plays guitar like it was nothing!" (s)he said in excitement.

"Yeah, I heard." you just solemnly mumbled to yourself as you're trying to find a top that fits you in the rack since it's on sale yet you found two sizes smaller instead. You sighed and turned to your bestfriend who stopped talking when you stared. "Let's go to another shop."

(S)he nodded and tagged along behind, chatting away with her/his little adventure on the way to the concert, you barely listened.

While walking around, trying to find shops that sell clothes in a lower price, you suddenly didn't heard your best friend from beside you. You stopped dead on your tracks and turned around to see her/him running up to you with a huge grin on her/his face. You felt the grin was from something you wouldn't like.

"I saw freaking Luke outside!" your eyes widened as your mind go blank. You felt your heart skipped a beat when (s)he brought the news. "Come on! Come on!" (s)he took your wrist and began pulling you towards outside, snappin you from your frozen state.

You took her/his grasp from yours and immediately said, "I-I'll just wait you here!"

(S)he glanced at you behind, "No way! You gotta come with me!"

Unfortunately, (s)he was too strong for you and probably because somewhere in the back of your head, you really wanted to see him up close. Later, you were already outside, pulled by your best friend towards her/his idol.

"I-I don't like this. We need to go back." you told her/him one last time.

"Come on, for me?" (s)he pouted which is typical and you wouldn't resist. When you sighed in defeat, (s)he smiled and let go off your wrist. "Just one picture."

"Didn't you met Luke yesterday from the concert?" the taste of his name coming out of your mouth tasted new and sweet. You don't like it, it wasn't helping at all.

"I didn't. There were winners and all that kind of stuff. I didn't won any." (s)he explained.

"Well, how about that." you mumbled to yourself as you looked up and saw Luke.

He was smiling to everyone, no sense of tiredness in his actions as he gladly took everything on his hands. A smile crept your lips unconsciously as you remembered your fingers trailing on his soft, lusciois blonde hair. He looked mature up close, he was already a man who you think can handle everything. You stared at him longer than you should have that it brought his attention to search into the crowd and brieftly locked eyes with you.

You flinched and widened your eyes when you saw he recognized you. You immediately looked at your best friend and said, "We gotta go."

"But Luke—" there was no time. You need to get away. Luke doesn't need you anymore. You don't need him anymore.

When he slowly made way from the small crowd, you immediately walked faster away from the crowd, away from Luke. You tried to confuse him by going into a sea of people as you glanced behind for any signs of him. Once you saw that he was nowhere to be found, you stopped at a corner and breathed as if you kept it in.

But you stopped the celebration in your mind when you felt a warm grasp onto your wrist and spun you around to find the exact person you were ignoring for two years.

"Y/N." he breathed out.

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