The Truth Is (Luke Hemmings imagine) pt. 4 out of 4

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This is the last one of this imagine, I would probably make another batch from either Calum or Michael first. I don't know, this idea just sprung out of nowhere whilst I'm procrastinating.

The Truth Is (Luke Hemmings imagine)
pft. 4 out of 4

He immediately embraced you, merged his body onto yours and as if the spaces in between you both filled perfectly. He rested his head onto your neck and you can clearly hear his quiet sobs.

You never wanted Luke to be this broken. You ought he would accept the fact that you both have different worlds but instead, it left him into a mess.

You wanted to tell him the truth that after those years, you were as broken as him. You wanted to apologize for leading him into an utter lie just so he could continue chasing his dream without you by your side. Because, you said to yourself, who are you in his life anyway?

Yet you remained frozen at your state, your mind blank and your heavy heart unstable.

"You're real. You're real." he keeps repeating the words and you had to breath, and force yourself to stop being affected by his gloom. "You're fucking real." he still kept the embrace as his heart still pacing quickly inside his chest.

You felt everything in him. You felt like you were the gone piece that was needed. You felt his warm breath on your neck, his soft hair on your cheek, his warm tears falling onto your shoulder. You felt like you deserved them all yet not something to be proud about.

"Luke." you barely even said his name.

"Don't make me go away again. Don't go away again, please." he begged like a kid, still sobbering like he did when you left. "Y/N, please." you held both of his cheeks as he leaned back and followed your gaze that was onto his eyes as well.

The memories came flooding you back like a tidal wave. A storm full of emotions become filling you with wondrous feelings but at the same time, crushing you because this couldn't had happened if you didn't said you never needed him.

His oceanic blue orbs that were filled with sadness while yours probably say your regrets. His eyes that are now filled with tears. Who knew Luke can cry so much even after crying heavily all those years?

"I love you so much, Y/N. I keep holding everything in. I-I tried to become better j-just like you're hoping me to be w-without you." he stuttered but he didn't seemed to care. It's as if that's what he wanted to say all this time but never had the guts to tell. "Please tell me you're not going away." he closed his eyes and leaned to touch your forehead on his.

His aura was contagious that you let your tears fall. You forced yourself not to whimper, not to be vulnerable to his sight, but you failed. You suddenly felt his lips touched yours and gradually moved in which you returned the favor. Your tears still falling and your heart wanting to pump out of your chest.

You felt his emotions playing in your mouth; disappointment, loneliness, anger, hope and passion. When you both leaned back from the kiss, you said, "I'm sorry." it pierced your pride but you wanted everything to be right again.

Two wrongs can't make right.

"L-Luke, I'm sorry. I-I thought it'll be for the greater good that we split up b-but god, it made everything worse." you explained. "I really do love you but seeing you exhausted as you come home every tour, it makes me blame myself. And the way we only see each other in a short period of time, it bothers me."

He brought your hands up and kissed every knuckle from both before he said, "I missed you so bad too, let alone two years without you is already a tough time for me. I can't let the band go but I can't also let you go. You are one of the important reasons that I'm still striving for what I'm glad to do.

So please, stay."

"I will. I'm such an idiot for letting you go."

He held your cheek and responded, "Don't blame yourself."

"No promises." you chuckled to lift the tension. You didn't even realized that a whole crowd is already in the area and taking pictures of you and Luke. "Oh god."

"Shit." he muttered under his breath as he held your hand and slip out his phone to contact the crew.

You remembered your best friend and tried to find her/him in the crowd. You then saw her/him amongst the crowd that was already motioning you to go and leave her/him. (S)he smiled at you to tell you it was alright and you nodded in response.

Finally, a black van opened its door and Luke ushered you to go inside first. He followed you and a guard closed the door before the van moved forward.

You sighed in relief as Luke turned around to see the crowd forming larger and larger ad they're trying to chase the vehicle. Your eyes finally travelled onto your hand intertwined with his soft, warm hand. You really never gotten used to it which was probably a good thing.

Everyday is a new feeling with Luke.

"Luke." he turned around and looked at you.


"I love you too." and right there, he gave a genuine, wide smile that you will never forget.

He leaned close as he cupped your cheek, "Promise me you wouldn't leave again."

In a heartbeat, you answered, "Promise." he leaned in for another kiss but this time, there was nothing holding you back.

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