Nina (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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obviously for nina so hey nina if you see this

Nina (Luke Hemmings imagine)

You thought that having a picture of Luke in person will be the best thing that happened in your life, but it wasn't. Mostly would think that idols would forget about you after you meet them but not 5 Seconds of Summer. Luke Hemmings would try to remember everyone he meets along the road or during the Meet N' Greet. When he met you, he felt an electric current through his veins when his skin touched yours. It wasn't that bad but before long, Luke thought it was dangerous. He heard about it but never felt it with someone until you.

You almost stumbled down just to have a picture of Luke or with Luke but he caught you just in time. You shyly smiled at him as he smiled back at you with confidence. Just as soon as the flash got off, Luke asked what was your name and you said, "Nina". He complimented your name was beautiful like you and although how many times you've heard that kind of compliment through fictional books, the feeling would still feel new because it came from Luke's mouth and you heard it very clear.

Luke wanted to talk to you but their bodyguards already told him they needed to go. He immediately looked back at you and asked if he could borrow your phone, which you obliged. He added his number on your contacts and leaned in to place a sweet, dry kiss on your cheek to remember. He would remember that and also your name. You just stood there as he winked at you before they left the place, slowly the girls were separating from strangers of the same fandom. You looked back to your phone where there's a message he placed on your text box, just ready to send.

Hey Luke, wanna go out for coffee? Your treat please! x

You chuckled, did he really text that for you to send to him? You sighed happily and send it, hoping he would answer immediately. When you felt your phone vibrated and a new gray message, you knew you're just having the great time of your life.

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