Where Are You Now (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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Where Are You Now (Luke Hemmings imagine)

He waited.

Pass an hour.

Pass a day.

Pass a month.

Pass a year.

He still loves you and so he waits.

He waits for you to come back.

He waits for the hope of you coming back.

It pains him but it was worth it.

You are worth the wait.

Michael would tell him to stop but no.

Ashton would cheer him up but no.

Calum would tell him again but no.

He will wait.

No one will make him stop but you.

If only you'll return.

"Hey Luke," Calum peeped into his hotel room.

Luke didn't move a muscle.

Calum scratched the back of his head, "It's today, are you coming?" today, Luke didn't even realized what day it was until Calum told him.

Still, Luke didn't moved. He was like, dead.

"Luke, you need to move on. She's not coming back." Calum said the last sentence more of a whisper, hoping he wouldn't raged on him like the last time.

"I love her." Luke told Calum with his eyes still glued on his hotel room window.

"We know you do and the best thing to do is to let go, Luke. She doesn't want you to strain yourself with the thoughts of her." Calum said.

"Will she be happy?"

"Yes Luke, she will. We want you back."

Luke wiped the unwanted tears falling down on his pale cheeks. He stood up, nodding to Calum while bringing his guitar and headed out with his best bud, hoping this time he was doing it right.

He's becoming a good boyfriend to you.

A year ago was nothing compare than the present year to Luke.

A year ago, you were there.

A year ago, you were taking pictures of Luke, acting like a paparazzi.

A year ago, you were happy.

A year ago, Luke fought with you because of your ex-boyfriend.

Luke was overprotective to you that it came to the point he hurt you. Physically he abused you and only the two of you knew the bruises and pain. It wasn't really Luke's intention to hurt you, there was something or someone rather, that's controlling him inside. It was like, another side of Luke Hemmings. You were scared of him. He ruined you without any reasons why, it was pure hate. You ran away from his grip, not knowing what would happen next. The next thing Luke was aware and conscious was when you were laying on your hospital bed with a flat line. Your parents were crying and mostly your dad was affected by your death that he almost beat Luke to death.

Luke wanted to die at that moment. It was his fault you were gone. If he wasn't that jealous bastard, you would probably be quietly sleeping on his arms. But his father was there to solve it out. In the end, he wasn't mentioned in your funeral but he was still invited. His mother brought him to a therapy center which Luke opposed because he was "normal". Six months later, he was healed but the pain was still there. The guilt was visible and he came back performing differently from before. He was always screaming, tearing apart and three of his friends noticed of this difference. They knew about you and although they weren't close to you compared to him, they felt affected because of Luke.

Calum looked on his right where Luke was silently sitting beside him, always has his pair of eyes drifting to his side of the window. Michael would glance at him but never speak. Even if he wasn't saying anything, they knew they missed Luke being talkative and shit. Ashton, on the other hand, would try to make a conversation with Luke (which he would only reply shortly). Ashton was having visions about the band falling apart which frightens him a lot. He doesn't want to be separated with these people, they became his life and he's hoping he's the same with them.

When they arrived at the cemetery, Michael was the first one to get out. Michael was the one who'll jokingly tell you about Luke like, "He's cheating on you!", "He ripped my only underwear on tour!" or "He's dating me, I'm sorry Y/N." Calum was the second one. He would tease you about his dogs because you're afraid of them (but find them cute, which is weird). Ashton was the third one to get out of the van and the guy who would go malling with you when Luke doesn't agree (but in the end, he'll agree). He would fit dresses for you and it'll be a fun day. Luke, as your boyfriend, was the only one who didn't get out of the van. He doesn't have the face to appear at your tomb. He was the one who made your relationship with him so miserable when he promised you he'll never do such things.

He sighed just by looking at your tomb from afar until he was pushed behind him. He was going to say, "Calum stop it" but he remembered Calum was already out of the van. He looked around and saw nothing but a note sticking on the car chair. It was a note with words scribbled in a familiar handwriting; I'm not mad at you shoo! Go there! I miss you x ;)

His eyes widen, trying to believe the note was from you. He looked around of the van if he could catch you in a human form but he failed. He brushed his hair and heaved another sigh. He took the note and kept it inside his jacket and ran out of the van with a smile on his face. At least he got a little hope you were always there and you forgave his sick act.

Maybe that's the reason why he loves you, even until now.

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