A Drop In The Ocean (Ashton Irwin imagine)

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this is for yssa :)

A Drop In The Ocean (Ashton Irwin imagine)

As my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm. It's too late to cry, too broken to move on.

Finally, I arrived at the place I would call as my own home; a new condominium for the meantime. I stroll inside with my luggage behind as I was approached by kind ladies in their fifties, asking who am I finding. I asked if they knew where the "Demegan building" is and they instructed me the way there. I thanked them before we parted ways. After a few minutes of searching, I finally reached the building and an elevator was waiting to lift me to the seventh floor. The doors opened and I took my wallet out of my coat to get my elevator card but as soon as I got the card out, someone swooped inside and swiped his elevator card instead. I looked up to see his appearance but I somehow regret it; Ashton Irwin. Out of all places, why would he be here?

He looked back at me who has the same amount of shock showing visibly on his face, but within a minute it wore off from his face and he stared forward. I immediately put my wallet inside my coat and pressed the seventh floor before he pressed the sixteeth floor. The whole ride was silent, no elevator music was blaring on the speakers and it's just us all the way. When my floor was on, the doors opened and I quickly walked out so I could breathe again. And accomplished it was, only surprised by how before the doors closed, he said something.

"Nice to see you again." I just walked like I didn't hear anything at all. At that moment, I wanted to scream and tell him it was never nice to see him. It was my initial reaction but deep in my heart, I knew I wanted to see him again. I sighed, what's wrong with me?

Few months ago, we broke up because he said he was scared the relationship we had was getting serious. Wasn't he serious throughout the year we had together? He also said he didn't want to hurt me when it's getting serious and I thought he trusted me. Heck, I thought he loved me. I wanted to understand him that he had a rough past who abused him. The girl abused him and he was a wandering puppy on the streets. I told him I wasn't like her, I was far from it and yet, we parted ways.

I opened the door to my new home and relief came over me, at least I could start over here right? The whole day, all I did was unpack my bags and decorated my mini-house. Quarter to eight, I made myself some coffee and turned the television on. Mostly in condominiums, there weren't televesions or any appliances but I'm lucky I picked this place.

I put my mug in the sink after I finished the whole thing within minutes when someone rang my doorbell. I raised my eyebrow up in confusion before I walked towards the door and peaked to the door hole but no one was there. I was a bit scared, I thought the place was hunted. I swung the door open only to find a little note on my welcome mat. I picked it up and it said: "Hey, you left this at the elevator and an old lady gave it to me. Found your room at the lobby. -Ashton"

I flipped it on the other side and find it was the picture I hid inside my wallet and realized that maybe it got out when I took my card. I felt my cheeks getting warm all of the sudden, he must have been weird out I still kept it. In additional, it was our latest picture. I closed the door and spent time watching a chick flick before I slept at nine.

I think around one in the morning, something woke me up. It was loud enough to wake up the whole unit from my side of the building but I think the old ones were already used to it. As a curioused person, I stood up and yawned, finding the sound of drums coming from. I mean, who goes banging the drums at one? Until I reached the window from my living room, it was half-open and I recalled opening it because the cold air breeze coming from the outside was enough to make me save energy. The other building across mine was where a unit has its lights open. I assumed it was a guy and his bare back was exposed as he bang his drum set in rhythm. Half-unconscious, I screamed at the top of my lungs directly to him, "Hey! Will you shut up?! Somebody wanna sleep here!" he stopped, thankfully he did, but I just hoped he didn't after he whipped his head to my view; Ashton.

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