Not This Blue-Eyed Boy (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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one of my favorites hahaha

Not This Blue-Eyed Boy (Luke Hemmings imagine)

Right amongst the sea of people, unknown to each other just to listen to their favorite band, was where you stood. You joined your best friend in this concert and now she was nowhere to be found. She might be around, you thought, nothing's bad going to happen if I'll just be here. You weren't an avid fan, unlike your best friend, but you're suddenly growing fond of this band. It's not even your kind of genre!

May your mother restrict you from strangers but not this blue-eyed guy standing in front of the stage, looking through the crowd like he's searching for something, someone rather. It was impossible for him to stare back at you, there are too many girls surrounding you and you're not tall enough to be seen. But you were glad with your choice of being with your best friend because if it wasn't for you best friend inviting you to come with her, you wouldn't be staring dreamily for this guy that would never notice you.

Let's be frank, you said to yourself, even if he did glance on my way, he would never remember them. Maybe they'll be only familiar to them but that's that. Compared to us, screaming and dancing to the beat, this will be marked on our lives and this will be for eternity. They're living on their dreams, we're living on our lives. This was a one in a million, a shot to the moon, opportunity while they'll be doing this again later or tomorrow for another set of strangers. It would always be that and so with that one glance, you're one of the luckiest people alive.

Fortunate of you, he winked and gave you his million-dollar smile. You were sure of it because when he looked back, you felt like the world just stopped and slowly the crowd fades, leaving only both of you just a meter away. Until then, maybe it was one of his habits. You don't know much of this frontman your best friends always speaks of but you're wanting to know him. And maybe when he pointed at you and changed the line to the color of your dress, you're pretty sure this wish you wanted to achieve might just happen.

And your best friend wasn't even by your side when this was happening, that's unlucky.

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