We Met (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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Sorry if it looked bad and took me weeks and the title looked rush ;-; ily Thea im sorry

We Met (Luke Hemmings imagine)

"Is she here?" Luke asked when he already arrived the house, the address on the paper showed him the way. A brunette girl, with a revealing pink tanktop combining a black miniskirt, opened the door.

"If you're looking for me, baby, I'm Charleine." Luke wasn't interested to any girl but Thea, she's the only reason why he flew to Armsterdam from Australia.

"Uh, I'm kinda looking for Thea?" it came out as a question from Luke's mouth. The brunette girl named Charleine suddenly lost interest in him when he's finding Thea instead.

Charleine rolled her eyes and leaned back from the door, "Ryan babe, did you saw Thea by any chance?" what a flirt, Luke thought, but he resisted.

"No baby, who's finding weirdo?" Ryan came into Luke's view, wearing nothing but boxers and smelling cigarette. Luke crunched his nose from the smell, he isn't used to it although he's 18.

"He's finding Thea and I don't know why." Charleine rolled her eyes in disgrace as Luke just kept his anger inside of him for being rude. "But hell, she might be by her friends or she's off somewhere."

"Okay thanks." Luke quickly left their front porch, walking down to the sidewalk again that afternoon. Luke sighed, he didn't know Thea's life was so hard dealing with those two shitty couples. He took his phone out to call Thea, which she answered by the fifth ring.

"Hello?" her voice was a bit monotone. Luke felt different when he called her, she asked, "Uh, who are you?"

"It's me, Luke." he said.

"Oh," he could imagine Thea looking on her phone screen before she said, "Why did you call? Isn't it already night in your country?"

"Yeah, I just wanna ask where are you today? I've been messaging you on Skype and yeah, you haven't replied since yesterday." he lied, he didn't sent her anything yesterday but he knew too well she wasn't on either. He was curious and at the same time, concerned that his best friend might be in jeopardy.

"I'm at my friend's house for the night, they got their cable cut down last week so I wasn't on. I'm sorry." he felt she was sincere with her words, quite enough to buy it.

"Okay, ring me if you're already home." Luke said over the phone, it took Thea a while before she answered an okay and hung up after. "Odd." he thought to himself before he slipped his phone inside his pocket.


5:12 pm.

7:08 pm.

9:56 pm.

11:27 pm.


Luke kept checking his phone, seeing if he forgot it on silent, but he didn't and neither he saw Thea's name flashed through his phone screen. As someone like Luke who developed feelings he couldn't even explain towards Thea, his worry and concern were limitless. He just stayed in bed in a hotel he's staying for a weekーhe saved money for itーbut his feet are rapidly moving sidewards as if he's itching to go. He trusted Thea so much that's why he couldn't rush like that, he knew Thea too well.

Or at least that's what he thought.

His phone rang at exact 1:06 am, he can't even remembered he stayed awake that long. He quickly grabbed his phone from his side and answered it without looking who it was, "Thea, thank goodness you called. I was worried somethingー" he was cut short by a unfamiliar voice at the other line.

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