Yeah I guess (Ashton Irwin one shot)

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2015 say hell yeah bby and oh i didnt proof read this

(Ashton Irwin one shot)

I can't tell if he's flirting, kidding or both when he said he's going to be my suitor. Not that I haven't got one ever since it's just that...he's Ashton Irwin; he never takes anything seriously. He knew life as a gameplay where there's no maps, preferably no guns and no auto quests. It's just a gameplay where you'll control it just how you wanted things would be, that's what he knew and that's what he thought when he's planning to court me.

Ashton Irwin has been my neighbor over a decade and to be honest, he's not that much of a bad guy. He can be a rebel, yes, but I can always see he has a deep concern about his family just like mom would tell me. Mom knew about his mom since ten years is a long time and she needed bonding time with the same ages. I began to get close to Ashton when he came over to bring the apple pie his mom baked for us. He talked about having a job on a music store downtown then he would talk about his crazy shenanigans with his friends namely Calum, Luke and Michael. Calum was the only one I know because he's my longtime crush and I have no idea how to take those feelings away so that became Ashton's gateway to tease me about him. He teased me so much that afternoon while eating chips at our lawn that I ran after him to shut him up but I never caught him. He was a big guy with a stamina that I don't have and besides, I'm not good with running. I've never ran that free and fast before (and even that's the fastest I could, I still won't be able to catch him).

Going back, I heard the door bell rang and my mom decided to open the door. I felt my heart beat pacing so quick that I was bothered by it. When I heard faint laughter from the hallway, I knew it was Ashton. I gulped down my cereal, trying my best to focus on my bowl as the noises get louder. Mom already knew about it, in fact she's the one who suggested the idea for Ashton. Mom felt like he needed a girlfriend or a potential girlfriend so she chose me as someone who's ideal for Ashton. I can't help but get nervous, our relationship has just been taken to the next level. I don't know how it'll go because obviously, I don't have any feelings for him (if that's obvious enough) and I would probably ruin our friendship with this thing happening.

"Hey Y/N." I stubbornly looked at him as he offered me a dozen of roses in hand which I immediately took from his gentle grasp. I slightly nodded and motioned to take them to their place without a word, he nodded in understanding before I left. I found the vase easily up in our cupboard and place the roses inside with a fair amount of water to supply them. I headed back to the dining room where Ashton was telling a story about Laura getting a bit ill last night and they headed to the hospital at midnight.

I can't help but ask as I put the vase at the middle of our center table, "What did the doctor said?"

Ashton's hazel orbs glanced towards my way and my breath just hitched for a second. His eyes were a bit different from before. It was as if those eyes of his suddenly looked so gentle and passionate but at the same time, just Ashton if that makes any sense. "She got lack of iron but we immediately got her out this morning." now that he mentioned it, he does looked pretty tired but I know he's just hiding it. He decided to go to my house instead of just dozing off on his bed.
What a sacrifice, Fletcher.

"Is she okay now? Has her fever already ran down?" my mom asked, looking genuinely concerned. She placed a plate of bacon and egg in front of him and immediately sat on the opposite side of him.

He nodded, "Yes and she's currently sleeping." he sighed and looked down on his plate as he continued, "She have been working her butt on the group project that she barely eaten and got enough sleep."

"Oh dear," my mom reacted.

"I know the feeling." I sighed as I plumped down on my seat beside him. My mom nodded as I looked at him, "I was hospitalized with the same reason."

He looked up to meet my eyes but I didn't avert my sight from him anymore. It was as if I'm getting used to it now. "Is that the time when you told me you were too sick to get up?"

"Yeah," okay maybe I need to avert my gaze. "Sorry." I said sheepishly. It was all silent after that but I could still sense his stare was still at me for a long time before mom pushed her chair back and stood up, making our attention turn to her.

"Well kids, don't you have school?" we both nodded before Ashton decided to eat his breakfast while I stood up to go to the sink with my plate. My mom was behind me and as if she wanted to say something.

I waited.

She smiled and shook her head before saying, "You're growing up already, I'm proud of you." it was one of those again.

I shook my head, letting out a chortle, "Mom, don't be dramatic about the way things are changing."

"I know honey," she nodded but almost tearing up. "It's just that, I know Ashton and I know you're in good hands. I just don't know if this decision of mine is bothering you and—" I decided to hug my own mother and the one who gave birth to me. She wrapped her fragile arms around mine as well and it was quite comfortable.

"It's not bothering me that much," I said when I let go off our little embrace. "I mean it's Ashton, we're neighbors and we do things quite often but that's the only thing I know. Of course this is a whole new level for us, mom, and I'm still getting used to it." and maybe learn that Ashton can be someone else that he really is that I don't know about. Like those stories from sites when you thought you already knew the guy but no, he's way different.

"I'm happy if you're going to be." she smilingly said.

"Be happy." I told her.

It took us a while before we finally got out of the house and agreed to walk to school. It was quite early and quite comfortable with the quietude filling between us. He never spoke a word but he's slightly smiling as if to tell that this day's going to be the best. When we're almost at the school, I felt something warm wrapped around my petite hand. I looked down to see Ashton's hand on mine and I couldn't help but to blush in this cold, wet weather.

He glanced at me and grinned, "I just wanted those jocks to know you're off limits." I looked back to the school gate, seeing a group of three jocks staring back at us or most likely towards our intertwined hands.

"I'm still not answering you yet." I looked back to Ashton.

His eyes glistered in amusement and said, "It's just a yes or I guess question, Y/N. It's not that hard."

I laughed, "You're really not taking a no for an answer, huh?"

He smirked at me but he never replied. When we were already close to the school gate and seeing my other friends waiting for me, I placed a kiss on his right cheek and let go of his hand. I ran forward while he just stood still as if he got frozen on his position.

"Yeah I guess, Ashton." I screamed with a playful grin on my lips.

When I looked back to the school gate, sprinting a bit forward, I heard him shouted back, "I'll get back to you Y/N!" I knew it was a torture for him and eight hours in different schools was a good choice of mine. Maybe. He'll definitely punish me for this, I laughed in the thought of it before I waved to my friends and we left the grounds to the hallways.

no guys i wont put the bs lmao im not good with it

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