Two Teenagers (Michael Clifford imagine)

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Hey guys! Charlie here. Hope you guys never gave up on me. Just keeping you guys updated, I'm actually writing three stories (two of them were published before but I decided to take them down and changed their plots a little bit) and I can't wait to publish them all, and share them with you so you won't get stuck with this. Anyway, it's the last month of summer! Hope you guys also had a fun summer , it's starting raining here again. 'Til next time!

Two Teenagers (Michael Clifford imagine)

Michael takes you out on a date for the first time. He never had the experience to do one and neither do you have as well but you both confessed over late night texts that led the both of you to get stuck to where you are. You looked at Michael who was by your side, strolling along the sidewalks and looking problematic over the towering buildings and the vast amount of crowd at that time of day. It was summer so the situation was quite understandable but seemingly the fact that you're on a date with Michael was more than enough. You tuned out against the world - their opinions, their chattering, their laughter - as you have your own universe with him. Unconsciously, you took Michael's hand and saw him stared at your way in astonishment but his face melted into a gentle smile as if understanding you just the same.

You looked at a corner street and told him, "I know a DIY pizza place around here. Their milkshakes are the best too!"

"You know my kind of places," he said. "You must be head-over-heels for me!"

"In your dreams."

"If that's the case, I'd like to think I'm dreaming." he glanced at you with a smirk before he looked back at the sidewalk, hand in hand, where both of you were walking on. "So, where is this place you're telling me about?" you let his smooth remark slip for the meantime, you never really gotten used to it ever since he confessed to you, and you told him the directions which was just at ease to navigate. You can still remember the exact words he told you over the call after you told him that you liked him over a text, saying, 'Are you shitting right now, Y/N? Not some prank or anything? Not something you want to get revenged on something I did to you before? Because I like you too. A lot. More than you think. So much. Very much. A whole lot! God, I'm ranting like an idiot. But I really do like you so...will you go on a date with me?'. He was such a dork, you never knew this side of him can be dangerous since it makes you like him more than you started out with.

"You ordered a lot. I won't pay on first date, that's like an unspoken rule in dating." you teased him after he ordered three pizza of his choice and four extravagant milkshakes like there was a feast being held on. You let him do it anyway since he described himself as the 'food expert'.

"How ironic for someone who never dated anyone know the rules?" he shot back with a teasing grin.

"I watch romantic movies unlike you." you chuckled.

"Well then, I have an unspoken rule in life and that is, if you pay, that's yours."

"No, you're just being rude." instead of adding another intelligent remark, a smirk crept its way onto his lips as you unconsciously did the same before bursting out in genuine laughter with him for no apparent reason but you were enjoying yourself with his company that it didn't need any reason. After that, you talked about yourself, stories that came out of your mouth at random in which Michael would tell stories in relate to yours which would either result to laughter or a nod in response as if to acknowledge another wonderful story, until your orders came by and the silence settled onto the table for quite a while.

"Y/N," you looked up to him, munching through your pizza, with one of your eyebrow raised. He only smiled and shook his head then stared back at his pizza. "I just can't believe I'm having a date with someone I've liked for so damn long." you blushed, fluttered by his words. "And even if we talk all day, I don't think I'll get bored with your voice and stories. Before anything else, we would always joke about each other that we would never have our first dates, that we're born as virgins until we die. We'll never taste what it is to be loved and to love. But when you told me you liked me, everything just stopped. I felt like I ran a marathon I shouldn't have and did things I never did, including this date. But maybe for you, I found the reason to do them all. Maybe I'm the one who's head-over-heels for you?" he chuckled as he gradually looked up to see your reaction.

You were trying not to shriek from excitement and from the things he's been saying. This was his side you never had gotten used to. You were used to his witty remarks, his playful grins, his game references, that the side of him where he tells genuine compliments, being a gentleman, sweet promises and pure intentions were unbelievable at first. "Idiot," that came from your mouth like it was his name. It was your endearment to him ever since but held something more than just a silly mock. "Were both head-over-heels." he was more than any foolish acts and comments, he was more than just the weird unnecessary mention of names -- he was the guy whom you liked. You could hardly see any flaws as these personalities and his attitudes built him of what he become.

You liked him the way you never realized before but now, you're better compared to the past. "I was so scared you'll laugh at my confession but instead, I heard you call that night. I thought you were going to make me say it again and record it for the whole town to hear but I never thought you feel the same way. Then the next day, you changed. You were still Michael, of course, but the way how your presence began to be a significant thing to me, it's just a wonderful feeling. It's so awful now to think that we once told each other that we would never feel things like this because right now, either in silence or in conversation, it's just so comfortable. Like I don't want this to end, you know? It's great to a degree that--" you were cut mid-sentence.

Michael immediately stood up and held onto the table as a support as he leaned onto your seat, his eyes never breaking the contact onto yours. He was fixed to do something. "--I could kiss you right now."

If it was in a perspective of someone else amongst the place, they must have thought that these two teenagers were showing they're passionate in public, probably something they thought was awful to look at. Two teenagers that probably knew more than anyone in the world, fearless of how cruel the world could become to them. Two teenagers that never mind the world to look and see like they're mannequins being shown on shopping windows. Two teenagers that could be lovers today, strangers the next, the public being disgusted by the thought these two knew better. But these two teenagers never thought of how the world would see them when their world was already leaning against each other's face. Michael leaned down and touched your delicate lips then gently moved, eyes closed and ears tuned out against the world. He tasted sweet like his milkshake and you probably tasted like pepperoni. You smiled at the thought.

First kiss. First date. Could the day get any better?

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