Famous Boyfriend (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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the title's rush k

Famous Boyfriend (Luke Hemmings imagine)

Luke was the opposite of you; good in Math, spontaneous, attractive and a lot of positive things. He was someone you're not, which Luke don't like you thinking so. When he has the time or had to make a segway of it, he'll tell you you're beautiful and other compliments that brings out the best in you. He never confessed to you but he would always say "I love you" way too many times to think that this is just a friendly response. Or maybe you're just thinking that way because you liked him in the first place.

There was something with his oceanic blue eyes that you adore and his voice when he sings your favorite tunes. He was something. And when he told you he began singing songs and put them on YouTube, you were overjoyed. He was doing something he always wanted to do, to sing and to bring his music across the globe with the help of his friends. You've been a supportive friend over the years until of course, that day.

Luke was your only friend that stayed by your side, through thick and thin. He never told you sickening words, inappropriate even, for you to carry as a burden. He was your hero in disguised as a sixteen-year old boy. He doesn't have a body built in abs and tan but he was your hero. And he's leaving the country he was born in to spread his music, just like he always wanted to. Just like the dreamed he loved to achieve.

You wanted to oppose from the idea of him leaving but it was his dream. It'll be cruel for you to stop him from his door of opportunities. You just stood there, frozen on your position as his family was hugging him for one last time before he leaves. His friends' families were there as well, Tuesday morning where you kids should be in school but they dropped out and you're not. You can't even look at him with his baggage and passport in hand, you can't handle the day after this without him by your side.

Luke was already standing in front of you, just waiting for you to realize it. He was gloomy as well when he saw your mood was down. His fingers lifted your chin up to meet your gorgeous eyes and can't help but form a warm smile on his lips. He then leaned in and melted with you in a sweet, captivating kiss. He moved slowly, savouring your lips onto his like this will only happen one time. At that moment, you were sure the feelings were mutual.

"I love you," he said softly when he pulled back. "I'll come back and I'll bring you with me, alright?"

"Okay." you can't help but smile. "I love you too, Luke."

"Now cheer up," he chuckled lightly which was contagious. "Your boyfriend's gonna be famous."

Two years later, you are someone new. You had new-founded friends, you're catching on Math and quite known because of Luke, the frontman of his band called 5 Seconds of Summer. Everybody knew you were friends with him that mostly people message you if you could DM them to him.

Little did they know, you're in a relationship with him.

It wasn't official but both sides are declaring to be that way. You were surprised how you reached two years with him, only growing fondly in love with him. There were rumors but Luke would always make sure you had a track of where he is, he'll be and he's going to be. You never doubted Luke because you've known him much more than anybody, other than his family, and you got a trust on Luke.

Going back, he was already in town when you're still at school. Your friends updated you about it and told you that maybe he'll wait for you after school, which was the exact thing he did. He's surrounded by his other friends until he saw you. He gently pushed away the crowd to walk towards you with his eyes beaming in admiration and passion. He hugged you so tight and spun you around due to excitement. On your walk home, hand in hand, he told you about stories that you listened attentively and funny occurence which you both laughed about. He was still the same, aside that he's famous and his hair was up.

He was in town for a week before he head out and just like he promised two years ago, he was bringing you with him. Your parents agreed you'll just stay for two weeks with him during the holidays and they'll come after to celebrate with everyone. It was a good plan and you're excited about it. So excited that you can't sleep and you were on the phone with Luke which he didn't mind at all.

He missed you so much. Two years was a long time, sometimes he doubt if you were so sick of not seeing him and you're currently seeing someone else new. But when he got back, he can still feel the same amount of love you've gave to him a long time ago. He was already sure about seeing you ten years from now with wedding rings and a new family to start on.

"Luke, you're sleepy, aren't you?"

"I was just thinking..." he trailed off.

"About what?" you asked while staring at the ceiling.

"About telling the whole world about our relationship." you felt like your breath hitched.

You were speechless.

"I know it's not a good idea but hey, at least they know about us. We treat our fans like our family, they have the right to know about things like this, right?"

"What if they don't like me?" you asked quietly.

"I don't know, Y/N. But the main thing about this is letting them know about us." you like him saying that. It's like you have an authority in behalf of your relationship with him. "And if you and I got hates for it, I don't care. I'm not leaving you and that's a promise and my responsibility."

"Well, I won't leave you too. No matter how they don't like me." you promised.

"Thank you," you felt him smile on the other line.

"And I love you too." you chuckled.

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