Don't Resent Me

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Matt's POV

"Don't resent me" When I heard those words leave Gabby's mouth, my heart dropped. No, not because she said it believing that I would but because, being honest...I did resent her at one point. When I first saw her in the hospital, I was furious. I didn't take it out on her though because I knew that, if we had a fight, she could miscarry again.

"Gabby, I love you but...being completely honest, I did resent you a couple days ago." She looked up at me, looking sad before sighing. "Because I hid the pregnancy?" I nodded and then moved to kiss her forehead. "Gabby, you and me have had a long history together. We could've worked something out. But now...I missed some of the milestones that I will never experience."

I turned my head and looked at Matteo, taking my time as we talked. "Gabby, remember that I love you and Matteo when I say this already risked your life to give me a child. Doing this makes me love you so much. And, I don't ever want you to be in a position where you need to risk your health to expand our family. However, if you really want to try again someday....we are going to do it as a team. Gabby, you are the woman I love but you are also one of my best friends first."

She smiled at me and nodded while listening to me. "I say this both as your best friend and the man who is crazy for would've destroyed me to find out that you died. But, it would've killed me to know that you died because you were pregnant with my child." Gabby looked up at me with worry in her eyes, coming to some realizations after I said that.

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