I Can't Transfer out of 51

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Matt's POV
It was true, I loved Gabby with all of my heart and would do anything for her....except for this. This was non-negotiable. I was not going to be transferring out of 51. They're our family and not working with them would just be wrong. My career is there and it's where we met. It would be wrong on so many levels.

Gabby looked at me and then nodded, understanding. "Gabby, please at least tell me you understand why I can't. Gabby, they are our family....I have worked with these guys my entire career. We have a bond that is really tight. We've given our lives up for each other. I'm sorry but, I need to put my foot down somewhere and this is where it is. We need to stay close to 51."

Gabby nodded. "Trust me, it was never really a question. I already knew the answer. I just wanted to know. I was already looking near 51 anyways. I want to be able to walk there in the summer or just be a drive away during the winter. I plan on being there during the day when Matteo isn't napping. We aren't going to go 24 hours without seeing each other."

I nodded, agreeing with her. "Oh, that would be terrible. Especially because it would mean I don't get these lips on mine for 24 hours straight." Gabby smirked as she set the iPad down. "You mean these lips?" She moved to lean against my chest and started to kiss me softly. I decided to move my hand to her leg and rub it as we kiss each other slowly. Gabby had her hand on my neck and just continued to kiss me until Matteo disturbed us.

Breaking the kiss, Gabby turned her head to look at him. "God, if you weren't so cute...I would be mad that you disturbed me and your father." I chuckled when she said that and kissed her shoulder softly. "Go ahead and feed him. I am going to stay right here. Watch some TV. I will check on some of the houses you saved in your favorites." Gabby nodded as she got up from the couch, smiling at me before going to grab Matteo so she could feed him.

Grabbing her iPad after she left, I went to look at her favorites so that we could talk about them when she got back from feeding Matteo.

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