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Matt's POV

"Explain to me what you mean by regrets." Those words rang clearly in my head after I heard Gabby reply to what I said. I knew I had these feelings all along and just bottled them up. I should've gone with her to Puerto Rico. She's the love of my life. Why did I have to crush her dreams of going to help. I felt like I gave her an ultimatum when she first left. It was either me or Puerto Rico and that she couldn't have both. But, she could...I should've gone.

"This goes back to when we ended us the first time before you went to Puerto Rico. Not at the time but, looking back on the whole situation...I feel like I gave you an ultimatum when it came to our marriage and Puerto Rico. Like, you either stay here or this won't work." Gabby nodded and sighed before kissing my chest. "Sorry to say this but, I feel the same way."

I nodded while kissing her forehead. "I should've gone Gabby. We were married. I saw how happy it made you and that should've been my main concern...making you happy. I wanted to be with you and I could've been, had I just gone. Then we could've avoided the entire divorce and maybe I could've been there during your pregnancy." She nodded when I said that.

"But then, I look at it another way and say...before you left, I said that I wouldn't support you getting pregnant and having a baby together. So, maybe we would've never tried to get pregnant again and we wouldn't have Matteo in our life. So, I am so conflicted. I mean, how can I regret not going but still be happy I didn't go because we have Matteo now. I mean, why did I have to loose you to get what I dreamed in life."

Gabby sighed when I said that and then whispered to me. "If we are being completely honest, I shouldn't have left so soon after we got the news. It was a rash decision and it was something we should've talked about together. Being married is all about teamwork. And at the end, we just weren't a team anymore I feel. We were doing separate things and we weren't clicking anymore. It also didn't help that I was the candidate so...I never knew where we stood when it came to our relationship. That's something we also did, we brought our work home."

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