Chapter 111

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Matt's POV

After bring Matteo to Gabby in bed, I made my way out to the kitchen. Gabby told me she didn't care what we ate but, I knew that she was a picky either. She always was. Now, just to find something that we both like, that is easy on her stomach and that can help with milk production so that she can feed Matteo. Easy right? I laughed to myself before deciding to ask Gabby.

Walking back to the room, I poked my head in and looked at her. "Okay, I am going to ask you this again and please give me a good answer this time." She turned her head to look at me when I said that and just listened to me. "What do you want for lunch? I want to make you something that you want and actually can eat." Gabby chuckled and nodded. "Maybe just a BLT" I nodded and smiled, remembering how much she liked that.

Gabby then smiled at me too before turning her attention back to Matteo as she fed him. I then walked back to the kitchen before going to the fridge to see if we have any bacon. Unfortunately, there is none ready so I have to cook it from scratch. I think to myself that I might as well make the whole pack so that there is always some leftover. With Matteo, who knows how much time we will have to make good meals now.

While cooking, I heard my phone ring. It was still in the bedroom so I asked Gabby to answer it. "Hey Gabby, do you think you can answer that for me? It's on my side table." Gabby yelled back. "Sure thing, just keep cooking." I nodded before continuing with making lunch.

Caller ID - Naomi Graham.

"Hello, who's this?"

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