Chapter 45

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Matt's POV

When Gabby didn't come back after exactly 45 minutes, I didn't get too worried. However, when 45 minutes became an hour....I started to get worried. Feeling a little off as to why she would have been gone so long without telling me, I decided to make my way to the bedroom to see why she was still gone. That's when I walked in to see my miracles asleep together in bed.

I smiled at the sight before deciding to go back out quietly to clean everything up. No sense waking her up before I came to bed. At least, that's what I thought until I heard her voice. "Where you going baby?" I turned to look at her and then smiled, making my way over to her before sitting down next to her. "You feel asleep in bed while feeding Matteo."

Gabby sighed and then went to grab my hand. "Listen, I loved tonight but...think we can join move in here now? I don't think I realized how tired I was when I first agreed to the date." I nodded before leaning over her, kissing her softly. "I'm just going to go shut the lights off and make sure we locked up. Then I will be right in. Want me to put him in his crib?"

Gabby looked at me and shook her head. "No, I got it. I have to go brush my teeth anyways and get changed for bed. Just finish up out there then come join me. No fun tonight, just sleep." I nodded and then smiled, kissing her forehead softly before getting up. "I won't be long. Just take it slow when you take him to bed. You are still recovering from your C-Section."

She nodded as she grabbed my hand, rubbing it before letting it go. "See you soon." I nodded as I got up, making my way back out to the living room to finish cleaning up so that I could come join her in bed, knowing that we are just going to fall asleep tonight because of how tired we both were.

Miracles  Season 1: Dreams Come True (Dawsey)Where stories live. Discover now