Chapter 35

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Gabby's POV

After 45 minutes, Matteo was finally done feeding. I decided to give him to Matt to burp him, allowing him a bit of time to bond with him. That's when I started to feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I moved to rub it but just couldn't reach. Unfortunately, Matt thought that was funny.

"My sister told me that it was awkward when we need to scratch itches when you are pregnant and shortly after giving birth...just didn't know it looked that awkward." I turned my head and gave him a glare. "If you want that again anytime soon without protection....shut up now."

He smiled and nodded at me while rubbing Matteo's back, talking to him. "Your mommy's a little cranky. Or maybe just a little stressed. Maybe daddy can do something about it but, you need to go lay down again if mommy wants it." I smiled, liking his baby talk.

"Is that massage you offered to me before I fed Matteo still on the table? Because honestly, I would love to get a massage and just lay back against your chest as we talk a bit." Matt turned his head and then smiled at me. "Let me put him in the crib then I will give you that massage."

I watched as Matt got up out of bed before making his way back to Matteo's crib in the corner of our bedroom. Laying him down, he went to rub his head before bending down and kissing him softly. He then tugged his blanket up before turning to look at me.

"I swear, I did that sometimes when Violet was born's a completely different feeling when it's your own child." I smiled at him and then reached out for him. "Okay, enough blabbering. You promised me a massage. Now, get in bed and come give it to me." He smiled and nodded, walking over to my side of the bed so that he could join me.

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