Chapter 139

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Matt's POV

After confronting Antonio about being so loud, I decided to stay awake since I had a hard time falling asleep. Gabby was still asleep and I was just taking care of Matteo. He was still fast asleep but this time, he was sleeping on my chest while I watched ESPN. SportsCenter was on when I heard Antonio walk in. "The Cubs win last night?" I turned to look at him and told him to be quiet, pointing at Matteo.

He nodded and sighed. "Sorry, not used to this yet." I sighed before looking at him. "What's up?" He moved to look at me. "I am taking Eva and Diego out. Diego needs to start practicing for his upcoming driving test so, might as well have a cop do it. Now, if you need anything while I'm out...I will gladly make my kids come with me to the store."

I smiled at him. "You love torturing the people you love don't you?" He chuckled and smiled. "I only do it because I love them. Listen, you think of anything? Send me a text." That's when I thought of something. "Oh, can you get me some granola? They are good snacks to have in the middle of the day. I need some to keep awake sometimes with him up so late."

Antonio nodded and smiled. "Need any other clothes?" I shook my head. "Just go Antonio and have fun with your kids. Meanwhile, I need to watch this one so he doesn't wake Gabby up. She is under enough stress. However, Severide is coming over. He's working with Arson on our behalf. That okay?" Antonio nodded. "Sure thing, just take it slow."

I nodded once more and then smiled. "Have fun driving. Obey the traffic laws!" Antonio chuckled when I said that, knowing I was kidding. He then made his way back upstairs to go take his kids out and give Diego a driving lesson. "50 bucks he comes back yelling at Diego for doing something wrong that isn't that big of a deal."

That's when I heard Gabby come out. "Care to make it 100?"

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