𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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"You sure you can do it kid? It's hard."

"Choose something easier..."      

"This is too hard for you."

"But what if you can't do it."

"You can't do it."

"You can't do it."

"You can't do it."


The familiar voices disturbed her mind. "I can do it..." (y/n) mumbled to herself.

Exactly 20 students in the waiting room for class 1-A. Students stretching and warming up or over all just trying to get over their stress filled the room.

"Alright kids, it time!" Miss Midnight opened the door. "Go out there, and break a leg. Or... someone's leg I suppose." She joked as some of the boys fawned.

Students walked out one by one, "Are you okay (y/n)?" Hana asked as Tenko stood behind her. (y/n) reassured the two, "Ah... there's something on my mind that's all. Don't worry about me."

She sighed, "The sports festival is going to be live, right?" (y/n) asked. "The entire world will be watching." Toya entered the conversation. The three looked at the spikey red head. "Why anyways?" He asked this time.

"Oh, it's no big deal just curious, that's all."

"If you think you can't-" Toya was cut off by (y/n) in seconds.

"I can do it!" She was a bit aggressive this time.

"Let's go the four of you, let those cameras get the BEST side of you." Midnight shouted. "S-sorry about that, Todoroki..." (y/n) walked out.

"Is she alright?" He asked the twins. Tenko didn't know how girls functioned, though Hana thought she was just nervous. "I'll beat all of you." (y/n) smiled at her friends. "I can do it. I'll become number one." And then walked away.

The stadium was enormous. With many lights and cameras pointing at each class walking towards the center of the stadium, (y/n) fumbled with thumbs and said a few affirmations to calm herself down. They'll be watching for sure...

When it came to the sports festival, heroes usually cared about the third years though this time Endeavors' son was here so, many pros were interested at least a little bit.

"First up we have the hero course class 1-A!!" Present Mic yelled through the microphone. A few students looked up at the stadium with worried expressions. "And up next we have class 1-B!!" Present Mic yelled once more.

Class 1-B gave off a different aura than class 1-A, but nothing bad obviously. More classes started to pour in; General Studies, The Support Course and Business Course to which they mumbled a few whispers about the hero course behind their backs.

"Let us not make the viewer's wait too long! Up first, representing the first years who ranked first in the entrance exam, Todoroki Toya!" Midnight greeted.

Walking up to the stage, and then crossing his arms he looked around the seats filled with pro heroes until one caught his attention. Endeavor. He came? Didn't he only care about Shoto?

A sudden wave of pressure and inferiority slapped Toya across the face. Would this mean he can finally show his father that he is better than his youngest brother? A small smirk crept on his features, "I'm going to beat everyone here. Just watch me."




"WHAT DID HE SAY!?" Everyone yelled. Toya walked back laughing his ass off. "I'll beat his ass!" A different hero course student yelled out. "Don't think you're better than us because your dad is number two!" someone else shouted.

How Things Should Have Been (Todoroki Toya || Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now