𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖜𝖔

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Sorry if this chapter feels slightly short my dudes! I really didn't want to rush this, but I have a lot of exams next week. One history cumulative, one normal bio and cumulative, and english exam, and the week after I have a math exam. Pretty sure soon enough I'll also have a Pshychology one too. What's worse is, that all these exams are on my birth-week. Yes November 27th my bday! I'm also goin to the new MHA Movie which it surprisingly came to my city (let alone my country)

So I may not update next week at all, but I also may jot a few things down. I may also add a few trigger warnings for the upcoming few chapters. But with that out of the way, let us begin PARENTS DAY!


"(y/n) will have no idea we came to Japan. She'll be so happy." (y/n)'s father, Rihito said. The (l/n) family was currently at a restaurant, two hours prior to Parents Day. "Sachiko, you've never seen the inside of U.A. right?" he asked. Sachiko took a bite out of her meal, "No, but the two of you did to pay for (y/n)'s tuition, right? How does it look like?"

"It's... not like a normal Japanese high school." Zakiko answered. "Not just the school but the outside it's self is so big it'll take you an entire day, or two to just tour it."

"Ehhh? That big huh... hey, (y/n) has friends, right?"

"Of course she does, Sachiko. Your sister is likeier to make friends you. In fact, she probably had a speed-run of making friends."

"Yeah dad, but like, there are a lot of fake people."

"In a place like U.A?"

"Have you seen Endeavor? That man should be working in a jail not the hero public safety commission." It was a good thing the family was speaking in English.

"Endeavor's fine. It's just his personality."

"His personality is flaming garbage, there are probably more heroes like him too."

"I'm pretty sure a school like U.A. educates children on how to act properly."

The conversation was so long it didn't turn into one about (y/n) it just changed ever so slowly... and Zakiko had to deal with this. Rihito was somewhat stubborn when it came to his on ideals and beliefs, as if there wasn't a second option, which is where Sachiko came in. Those two would always argue about the pettiest things, Zakiko eventually stopping them.

"Okay, you two, cut it off. (y/n)'s fine, she probably has plenty of nice friends. Besides, you'll see her friends once we go there anyways... just don't try anything funny." She looked at Sachiko. "What am I going to do?" Sachiko whined.


"Who's excited for Parents Day?!" Mika slid in the classroom, happy as ever. Everyone else on the other hand were no excited at all. "Hey, everyone, lighten up a bit. The hell is goin on? Why is no one excited?"

Parents Day seemed a bit, embarrassing for the teens and yet it wasn't much to begin with. They were just going to show off their quirks and that was that. "Yeah umm... who the hell is excited about writing a page long essay about why we love our parents." Yes, that was a part of Parents Day. Students had to write a page long essay about why the love an appreciate their parents, and right now they would read it out loud to the class and only the class, then handing it to their parents at the end of the day for them to read it.

"Heh, mine aren't coming so I don't gotta be worried. Suck it!" (y/n) propped her feet on to her desk. "Oh please, you aren't embarrassed of reading this shit in front of everyone!?" Tenko poked. "If everyone's going through the same pain as I am, I don't need to be."

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