𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

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"I'm so worried... Darius never did anything to deserve this..." A coworker said, sulking. Well... maybe this was a bit excessive, even for Toya. "We'll find the culprit. Don't worry, everyone around the agency is already on patrol. There's no need to fret." Currently, Darius was at the hospital under intensive care. From what it looks like, he may just survive.

The whole agency had a low atmosphere, actually not the whole agency, just the majority. Toya was not the only one who was not sad, but the other exchange heroes didn't seem to care too much either. Maybe their English wasn't as good as his and they just didn't understand? Right? "Kinda got what he deserved. After all the shit he said to me." A young hero, short black hair and red eyes stated her opinion in Japanese. Height wise she was also very small. Someone else nodded, "Mhm. I may not understand much English, but that bastard knew what he said. The only reason I'm patrolling to catch this villain is so they don't hurt anyone innocent." Another girl with rectangular glasses said. Toya listened in on the conversation.

"He thinks he can get away with being racist towards us. I tried reporting him last year, but they didn't believe me. It took me a while to gain the boss's trust after I reported that." An older hero, who had vibrant short green hair and pink eyes said, as he pouted. He knew the best English around here, among the exchange heroes. After all, he has been here for over a year. "But Hanako has a point, we should still stop this villain before they cause harm to anyone else in the city. Let's just forget about Darius for now." The guy continued as they exited the agency building.

Toya was not the only one who was going through stupid bullshit. There were others too.


"I want everyone to split up. You have descriptions of the villain, and his last seen location was somewhere around here. Report as soon as possible the second you notice something off about anything. Am I understood?" The boss said sternly, followed by a "Yes, sir!" By everyone, and they proceeded to split up. An individual operation is just what the exchange heroes need as well.

Well... except for one person. "Dumbass." Toya said in Japanese as he patrolled. "I have no idea how shit works and now thanks to him getting hurt, things will get worse." Toya jumped from one roof top to another. "Look at me, I'm Darius, I love (l/n) and hope to take her away when she clearly is interested in someone else. Get lost for all I care." Someone was clearly not in a good mood. He proceeded to mutter insults at the older hero as he patrolled. "If I hear him say some bullshit again I'll- pwah!" Toya was hit in the face with something. His body collided and bounced a few times against the rooftop he was currently on. For a few seconds, his head was fuzzy but he had to get up quickly. What was that, or who was that? "Water?" Toya questioned.

"Boss, I found another one." A girl spoke into her earpiece, someone else eventually speaking back. Unfortunately it wasn't loud enough for Toya to hear. "Well, looks like I'll need to take care of you." She spoke in english.

Toya immediately reached for his earpiece, "Guys, uhh... I think I found someone." Poor thing struggled to communicate in a foregin language. She launched at him, attempting to apprehend but Toya was a lot faster than some girl with a water quirk. Although her quirk would technically be a lot superior compared to his, as water beats fire. No matter the color of fire.

From what I can understand, this is an entire group that attacked him, not just one person... Toya thought. "Mhh... You're not going to be easy to catch. Hey, aren't you Japan's number two heroes' son? Endeavor, was his name?" Toya deadpanned at the mention of his father. "Hm? What's this, you can't understand me?" She said in a mocking tone. Toya pointed his palm at her, slouching in annoyance and blasted his fire at her with the widest range he could possibly have, the fire eventually getting to the girls' skin. "Ow ow ow ow!" She patted the blue flames that erupted around her clothes with her water quirk. "Okay, I see how this is going to be." Toya's eyes narrowed even more. She had a good quirk but... oh boy was she terrible at her job.

How Things Should Have Been (Todoroki Toya || Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now