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WHEEEEE Okay so here's the thing. This chapter included, the next five chapters are snippets of the lives of the characters for the sake of development and world building, taking place in their second and/or third years, before I can move on to the big stuff. The next chapters are plot convenient, so do read them. On top of that, they will be shorter: around 3-4K per chapter rather then 4K+

The reason behind the length is because I have SO much this month, like, things became even harder so the length is just a bit shorter then usual but still just as entertaining. I hope.

Also, to understand this chapter I suggest you read the, Omake: Fuyumi's Terrible Day to get the context if you haven't already. With that out of the way, enjoy!


First day of high school. Not just any high school, it was U.A. high school. The most prestigious of prestigious hero studies schools not just in Japan but recognized by the world, being in the top ten most competitive and successful in hero academics and now it was Hina's very special day. "Senpai... Thank you for teaching me. I too can become a hero now." She muttered, happily.

Unfortunately, the poor girl was very lost. Not knowing a single person or the building, it took some time for her to find her own classroom. Class 1-A which is... opening the door ever so shyly Hina saw a few people in their seats. Not so many kids, but there was a good enough crowd so nothing was awkward. She looked around at a few of the kids. The class already had popped just by the appearances of the students. Some had very flashy hair, while some had very flashy bodies in general. This was U.A. after all. It excited Hina that she would attend such an interesting class too. "Can you move?" Suddenly, the voice of a very tired yet also annoyed sounding boy cut in the way of Hina's thoughts. "Oh... sorry." She stepped aside, as he bumped his shoulder with hers. Ugh, this kid already seems like bad news... Hina thought by the way this kid spoke and bumped into her.

"I know a good person when I get to know them, not at first glance."

Hina had recalled the words of her senpai, taking place nearly one year ago. Yes, but Fuyumi never spoke... unlike this kid..! She tried to keep her cool and an open mind. Maybe he's just tired. Yeah, that's it!

Class 1-A began to fill up as each student walked in. Soon orientation and a tour of the school began. Classes A and B were solely focused on heroic academics, so unfortunately they could not join clubs meaning that there was no point in touring the building. They went straight outside, touring the campus. "U.A. is quite big, so we won't be touring places like the USJ. But soon you will see it in one of your classes." Present Mic announced through his loudspeakers. It was a headache for sure.

As orientation continued some students began to speak, but only a few words were exchanged. They were still just a bit too shy... well, except... "Don't you think that girl is kind of cute?" Hina overheard a boy talk to his friend. "She is kinda pretty." His friend replied. "I'll give you 1,000 yen if you go and talk to her." A muttered shriek came from the other boy. "Ehh... no way, you do it." Having a gut feeling, she glanced back at the boys and locked eyes for a split second. "I think she looked at me."

For sure they were talking about her. Hina knew she was attractive, and a lot of boys fawned over her as well, this wasn't out of the ordinary. "Why are you talking about stuff like this, it's U.A. for crying out loud." The boy from earlier today scolded the two other friends. "We have the right to form our opinion on people you know." The more confident boy snapped with a loud whisper. "There's nothing wrong with thinking a girl is pretty." The less confident replied in the same manner as his friend. Scoffing, "Tch. I should have expected some incompetent losers would be at U.A.'' He began to piss off the two friends. "It's pointless to talk about things like this. No worries, just another stepping stool." He referred to them in a disrespectful way. Just who was this kid? Maybe Hina was right for once, this kid was trouble. "Go mind your own business, if we want to talk about girls we can. If we want to talk about heroes then we can do that too."

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