𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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It took me a while to get this chapter done. I was on a block, so the sleepover does begin here but it will officially begin next chapter. It would have just been too long.

Also the software I use to write "Word" just didn't show me any of my writing errors, so a few mistakes may be here and there, please forgive me for that- school has also been a pain lmao.


"Who were the winners of the first year's sports festival a few months ago?" A man in his mid-twenties asked. He had flat and slightly long-ish orange hair. "A boy in the name of Chisaki Kai placed first. Endeavors son Todoroki Toya placed second, and oh... what this? A girl was placed in third in the name of (l/n) (y/n) alongside with a boy Chizome Akaguro." A woman with dark lilac hair and blue skin replied. "However I think that some of the other students did splendid as well, like this boy. Shimura Tenko, he can decay anything he touches. A fascinating Meta Ability if I do say so myself." The woman continued.

"Forge a file... no, a folder of the students who we deem to have potential of. If we can bring those who are a good asset to our side, then it's a win for us." The same man, who asked the question ordered. "Understood. I'll tell the rest of the liberation warriors." The woman signed off.





"Times up! Pencils down!" Kota sensei announced. The man collected the all the test papers and that was it; the midterms were finally over. Both written and practical portions. "I'll announce all your test results by the end of the day." Kota sensei announced once more, and the bell rang. Class 1-A's teacher made his way to the teachers' lounge and the students huddled.

"WE'RE DONE!" They all shouted with joy.

"I didn't expect it, but dang that practical test was easy. Easier than the written I'd say." Mika bragged.

"I bet we're all going to that camp. Though what if some people didn't pass the written portion?" Hana looked around class her eyes wondering off to one girl she thought may just not pass the written section. Eventually all five girls of class 1-A looked at the sixth.

"Stop looking at me like that! I was too busy with Japanese!" (y/n) yelled, clearly not happy about the fact that the class was underestimating her. "Hah hah... poor (l/n)." Mizuki began to pick a fight. "What will we do without you during the training camp? You're so strong, so why can't you just be smart? It's not so hard ya know." He began to laugh.

At this point, the girl was so done. She couldn't deal with Mizuki's bullshit. (y/n) whipped out a spray bottle that just had water in it. (Which she conveniently carried around) Mizuki still laughing, (y/n) sprayed him with the water. Cats don't like water after all. "Next time, I'm dumping a bucket of water on you." When will Mizuki learn the meaning of 'I've had enough' or better yet; 'No'?

(y/n) ranked 15th in the class. Which is actually... really low. Mizuki was surprisingly smart standing at the tall pedestal of 3rd place in the entire class. Second place was followed by Toya as first place rightfully belonged to Neiru.

"Awee (l/n) don't bother with him." Mika patted the girl. She stood at 16th place. "If I think I passed the written portion I'm pretty sure you did too."

"Yeah but, things can change easily." Hana didn't mean to sound negative, but she was right. She stood at 5th place in the class. "SHUSH! LEMME LIVE IN AGONY!" (y/n) continued to whine.

Tenko, Toya and surprisingly a bunch of other boys hanging out with the two, (by that, I mean Kai Chisaki and his little posy) watched the girls from afar. "I didn't know (l/n) was kinda dumb." Kai pointed out. "Speak for yourself bird brain." Tenko retorted. Kai was 13th place in class.

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