𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞-𝕺𝖓𝖊

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"Uhh..." The next day arrived shortly. "Oh shit..." (y/n) placed her hand around the side of her neck, which seemed to have a bruise of some sort? No... that was not a bruise. "Toya, what have you done?" Her voice shook. (y/n) and Toya were told to stay in separate rooms, on orders from Endeavor, until they were married for some reason. While Toya slept in his old room, (y/n) shared one with Fuyumi. "(y/n)-nee, you seem energetic." Fuyumi rubbed her eyes. Her voice made (y/n) flinch, resulting in her putting her hand over the so-called 'bruise'.

Kids aren't that stupid, I can't go to school like this... She panicked. Plus, it would be awkward to see a hickey that your very own brother gave to his fiance. "Do I really? Haha..." She nervously laughed. "A-anyways, I'm going to the bathroom to get changed, s-see ya." She dashed out of Fuyumi's room and ran towards Toya's instead. "TOYA!" She slid the door open. It seemed that he was wide awake. "Ooh, (y/n) you're pretty energetic considering the time." She shut the door, locking it too. "What is this?" She pointed at the purple-ish spot of the side of her throat.

"EEEHHH!? Holy shit, what happened!?" Toya yelled, examining the 'bruise'. "Y-you're kidding me, right?" Toya grabbed (y/n) by her shoulders and shook her. "Who did this to you?" He was ready to throw hands. "What the hell do you mean, 'who did this to you?' you're responsible for it!" Toya felt like he got stabbed in the chest. "Huh!? But I never even tried hurting you, (y/n) tell me the truth, no jokes, what is this shit?"

Her eyes narrowed. "You... have to be joking, right?" Joking about what? Toya was seriously worried. "(y/n) how did that happen?" This idiot... he wasn't innocent when it come to stuff like this, but rather just stupid now. It was now time for yet another short education on the human body.

"So... I really did... do that. Does it hurt?" He reached to graze his fingers over it but (y/n) didn't allow that. "Toya! Help me cover it, I can't go to U.A. like this!" She whined. "What do you want me to do?" Now, both were panicking. "I don't know, what should I cover it with, without it looking conspicuous?" Toya tried coming up with an idea, proceeding to also look around the rest of her body that may have these 'purple bruises'. "Toya, I don't have any more, it's just on my neck."

"How can you be so sure?" She was this close to popping a vein. "Did you kiss me anywhere else!? No! Now, what do I do?" Poor Toya, he felt so guilty... "T-try make-up or something?" Oh. That was actually a really good idea.

"Morning..." Fuyumi greeted Toya and (y/n) who walked into the kitchen. "G-good morning..." Both shyly said. "You two are an awful lot quiet. Something happen?" Fuyumi yawned. "Nothing at all!" Toya yelled. "Oi, if you say it like that it'll sound unnatural..." (y/n) whisper-yelled. "O... kay? Breakfast is almost ready, Nii-san, can you wake up Natsu? Dad will be here any moment anyways." Toya left the kitchen while walking. Oh good grief his posture even gave it away! It's a good thing Fuyumi was too busy cooking, or else she would have seen through their secret. Speaking of secrets, a ping arrived on Fuyumi's phone...

(y/n) didn't think much of it, but Fuyumi grabbed her phone only to giggle at it a few seconds later. "What's so funny? I wanna see." (y/n) teased. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." She tried suppressing her giggles and went back to cooking.

"Morning..-!" Enji and Natsuo both walked into the kitchen at the same time. "He's up~!" Toya shouted, sitting down at his designated seat. Natsuo and Enji glared at each other. While Natsuo had a look of displeasure on, Enji looked at him with sadness... yet somehow, he looked intimidating as always. Fuyumi placed their plates with food, (y/n) got up to help as well. "(y/n), have you met Rei yet?" Enji blurted out of the blue.

Rei? Who was that? The name never rang any bells. "Dad, I haven't even seen mom in a while." Toya tried to convey that this may not be a great idea. "Actually..." Fuyumi started. "Moms' been wanting to see you again. Especially since the proposal." Fuyumi's eyes lit up, wanting everyone to get back together plus a new addition. "The doctors said it would be a good idea too. Right, Natsu?" he only hummed a response, haphazardly saying 'yes'. "Well... I mean, what could go wrong?" (y/n) had to pretend to not know Rei's reason for being in the hospital. "I'm sure mom would love to see a new face too. Oh my god, I hope she'll even be able to make it to your wedding, wouldn't that be awesome!?" Fuyumi bounced on her feet. Just the thought of it excited her, which made the engaged couple smile. "Well, she's obviously more than welcome." (y/n) said enthusiastically.

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