𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖜𝖔

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"I don't know where she is, but the due date is today and we need to stop her!" Kotaro, Nao and Tenko read through it as (y/n) spoke. "Please, tell me you guys have a clue!" With such a vague description as to where she went, no one really did have a clue. "No... no this can't be true." Nao panicked, her teardrops hitting the paper, the ink bleeding a little bit. "(y/n) please tell me this is some kind of joke!" Nao begged, grabbing onto the girls' shoulders and tightening her grip. Unfortunately it was no joke. "I'm sorry... but now isn't the time to contemplate when we still have time."

Nao let go, grabbing on to the front of her hair and covering her face and tears. "Somewhere, where no one can find her." Kai said, all eyes being on him now. "I remember, when we were practising, Hana ran off panicking somewhere backstage. But it was somewhere really hidden. I'm sure I know where she's off to, it should be a place just like that. Nothing obvious."

Tenko then had an idea on how to find her. "Wait, give me your phone!" Tenko grabbed his fathers' phone. "Wha- Tenko, what are you doing?" Kotaro attempted to snatch his phone back, not knowing how a mere device can help their issue. "Oh you're going to call the police? That's not a bad thought, but I'm not sure they'll be here on time!" Toya said, looking for backup. "We should tell some of the other pro heroes. Like sensei for example." Kai pointed at backstage, half expecting his homeroom teacher to watch everything from behind the scenes.

"Todoroki, Chisaki, you two go find a teacher!" (y/n) ordered as the two ran off to find the faculty. "Got it!" Tenko yelled, happy with the result. "I knew your phone would be connected to all our phones. Sort of like a tracking device, we all have it. We can find Hana like this." Tenko looked at the radar, and the dots on said radar. "There's three here, meaning that those are us?" Kotaro asked, mildly intrigued. "Not us, our phones. But since we carry it, it counts." Tenko then proceeded to look for the fourth dot.

Zooming just a little bit out, his eyes finally caught the last dot. "I found her!" He yelled, making his mother jump. Nao wanted to grab the phone herself, as if she could grab her daughter like that but unfortunately that's not how it worked. "Hana!" Nao could only say. The dot was moving very slowly, and it wasn't so far away from the other three as well. "Is she... in U.A?" (y/n) squinted her eyes, then they suddenly widened. "She's going to the rooftop." Tenko shut his fathers' phone. "We go there then." The boy then turned to his parents. "You two should stay outside, in case we don't make it upstairs in time." Neither of them wanted to refuse, they wanted to go upstairs too. They wanted to save their daughter, but what other choice did they have? "O... okay." Nao said, crying. The four of them booked it to the building, praying that they would not be late.

"Shimura!" Aizawa called, running with Toya, Kai and Miss Midnight. The boys had managed to find only these two. "Where are you, what's going on?" Aizawa had the phone in his hand, calling his problem child. Tenko, and (y/n), explained things on the other line. "We just made it to the building, I'll be taking Tenko upstairs with my quirk. It'll be faster like that." From afar, students glanced at the screaming teenagers and panicked parents. "Alright, we'll be there as soon as possible. Hurry!" Aizawa said. "Stay on the line you two. Shimura, your parents are there right?" Kotaro replied to Aizawa. "Me and my wife, yes."

"Sir, we'll be entering the building." (y/n) said, as she grabbed Tenko by the wrist. They headed straight upstairs. U.A. was such a tall building it would take ages to climb by foot. (y/n) placed two bubbles on the bottom of her shoes. "Tenko grab on, and stay on the line with Aizawa sensei." Immediately, he grabbed on to his friend though his grip was not tight thanks to his quirk. Imagine if (y/n) disappeared too.

Jumping from one staircase to the other, (y/n) huffed and puffed getting dizzy pretty fast already. "If I hadn't used my quirk on my way to school... this would have been a lot easier. I'm sorry." Tenko hummed in agreement. "I know. But right now, you need to push yourself. We're almost halfway there too." She nodded, taking another huge leap from one large staircase. Then another one, and then another one. "Kids, update?" Aizawa yelled from the other line, startling the two. "Over half way there sensei, whoa-!" (y/n) fell down. "Oi! C'mon, (y/n) get up!"

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