𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

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For once I posted early, such a miracle. Still, wattpad is being annoying and I just cannot post Hana's drawing for some reason (and it turned out so good too I can't...) but it is what it is, I'll eventually find a way. With this note out of the way you may all shall begin!

Trigger Warnings: Blood and Violence. For more detail you may look at my comment but if you do not wish to be (slightly) spoiled over what may come next do avoid.


Early in the morning, teachers gathered the students for an interrogation. "Yesterday two students went outside to look for something, only for them to find a trap." Kota sensei explained this device that was deliberately made to hurt others. "That wasn't placed by me or any other teacher here for the sake of your training if anyone thought."

Kids began to look at each other one by one. A trap? Who could have done something like that? Every single student denied the allegations of the creation of this trap but, someone had to have made it. Whether if it was for a prank or not, it was dangerous.

Kota sensei then looked at Kai and Tenko. The two could almost understand what his gaze exactly meant. "Sir, I promise I didn't make it to kill the rat." Kai said. "I have better things to do then try and kill him. My sister can vouch for me sir." Surprisingly not a lot of insults were thrown at each other. Hana had done a good job.

Again, no one said anything, just denial. "We'll find out who made this eventually. Right now, it's time to continue your training." And training they did, from six am to four pm.

"Oh oh oh!" Ragdoll jumped up from behind Kota sensei. "The ones who perform well today while training AND while cooking dinner will get to play in a few fun games we have planned. It's a traditional thing we do each time students come to train with us, so what do you guys say!?" Ragdoll's overhyped attitude was hard to keep up with, but this was sure to motivate and brighten up the students, even just a bit.


Thus four pm had come, and it was time to cook dinner. Today on the menu was once again, curry. The students would have whined about it, but everyone was just too tired and starving.

"Hana, how are you even dealing with those two?" (y/n) asked, indicating her friends' brother and Chisaki Kai. Throughout the day, those two got a few smacks on the head with that ruler. "I just have a lot of fun hitting those two with this. Heck, I may just ask sensei if I can keep it."

"Wow you seem to really hate this job, huh?" (y/n) sarcastically said.

"No, I do the carrots, stupid." The girls heard someone yell. "I'm already doing the carrots, are you blind?" It was once again, Kai and Tenko arguing. Over what you may ask? "Just do the potatoes." Kai said as he was cutting another carrot. "I was appointed with the carrots and you with the potatoes." Tenko yelled.

"Oh brother..." Hana sighed and made her way to the arguing boys, ruler in hand. (y/n) hesitantly followed behind.

"Oh my god, just do the potato- ow!" Kai got smacked on the head, followed by Tenko. "You see (y/n), it's like whack-a-mole. Accept the moles are two idiot boys who can't seem to agree over cutting carrots or potatoes." The boys rubbed their heads in pain. "Why can't you two just get along? It's not that hard to at least be neutral or acquaintances."

"Never in a million years will I, once, make an effort to agree with him- Ow!" Tenko got hit on the head again. "If this continues, or heck even worsens you two won't be able to get your hero licenses, let alone your provisional ones which you'll possibly be getting at September. Act like civil human beings." Hana ordered. Of course, there was no response but the way these two glared at each other just said 'no'.

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