𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖜𝖔

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I posted on time and this like one of my longest chapters!? I feel so proud, cuz I also studied for my math exam too and managed to write this on time. Also I'm dying my hair today! I'm going to post a few fan fic tiktoks, my user name is @niftyattorney93 so if ya wanna see my red hair lmao, stay tuned and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Wish me luck on my upcoming math exam, bc I have a chemistry exam the week after.


Everyone in class 1-A stared at the board with all the students that had passed the exam. "We..." someone muttered. "WE ALL PASSED!" Everyone shouted with joy. It all happened to fast, but they were all one step closer to being a hero. As of now, they could use their quirks without permission.

The staff handed students papers, having the exam results. The passing grade was a fifty. "How... in gods' green earth did I get an eighty percent!?" (y/n) yelled, crying tears of joy. "I really am not that stupid, huh?" Tenko had dark aura surrounding him. "Why are you so mad, you passed right?" (y/n) leaned over to peek at Tenko's exam results. "A seventy isn't terrible."

Tenko huffed, "It says here, that I need to improve on my attitude. Whatever that means?"

"Yeah, it's almost like they don't know what they're talking about." Tenko snatched (y/n)'s paper, angry with her sarcasm. "All you need to improve on is thinking? What kind of a joke is this? I have, like, five things I need to improve on!" Tenko yelled at his friend.

"Hmm? Maybe if you give me another kiss I'll give some of my points to you~" (y/n) teased, making an annoying kissy face. "I thought you were the one who said not to bring that up again!?"

"Ehh!? Hana, you got an eighty-seven!?" Mika was at awe with the twin. "Too bad Neiru got a better score then I did. I think I would have been the best in the class." Hana complained, but she was still happy with what she had gotten. A piece of paper wavered in front of the girl's faces. "I actually got the highest score in the class." It was Toya.

Mika grabbed the paper to have a look, followed by Hana. "YOU GOT A NINETY-EIGHT!?"

The day had come to an end with class 1-A exiting victorious. Everyone was one step closer to their dream.

As the sun was setting and schools boarded their bus, someone caught the eyes of the winning class A. "Chisaki, ain't that the girl who messed with you and (l/n)?" Mizuki pointed at the black and blonde haired girl. "Don't care." Kai chose to ignore Hime.

"I heard you actually eliminated her, and with Shimura too, eh? Didn't you two hate each other?" Mizuki continued to bother Kai, making him shrug. "He's not terrible. But I still don't like him." Getting one last glance at Hime before boarding the bus, she was still sad for losing. Especially against Kai Chisaki.


Finally arriving back at U.A. class 1-A stood in a line, confused about what was going on. Kota sensei had plans.

"Sir may we go home now? My feet are killing me~! Mika whined. "No. Not yet, especially not you." Neiru looked at Mika, "Weren't you sitting down for the past half an hour?"

"Silence everyone. I have important news right now." The class did as they were told. "As of now, you are allowed to use your quirks, thanks to your provisional licenses. Since all of you have passed, I've decided to give you guys the next week off!" Everyone cheered when they heard that there was no school for an entire week. "Just come the next day to school and then your break begins."

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