Hannibal x reader (part 4)

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Proove it.
The words landed on your ears and rang on the inside of your skull.
"Give the rod to me... and free me" The corner of doctor's mouth curved into a small smirk. He knew he was getting into you.
You looked down at the antena in your hands.
"I understand that it is a big decision for you, but trust me, I would be most grateful if you'd assist me..."
Hannibal's voice spoke up again, trying to convince you.
You swallowed down.
Giving him the small metal rod meant deaths of many people.
But it also meant his gratitude...

"So, if... if I give it to you... you'll get out? How?" You asked, looking up at him.
He simply set his hand to a small breathing hole in the glass.
"I can tell you when I get out" He smiled gently, knowing he had peaked your interest.
You looked down at the antena again, furrowing your eyebrows.
You slowly aproached it to the glass, slidining it through the hole.
Hannibal grabed the rod, slightly brushing against your fingers, just to feel you.
Your soft skin.

You pulled back, looking at the ground, the weight of your decision getting to you.
"I want you to know, dear, I am most in your debt..." Hannibal said, genuenly pleased with you.
You only backed up into the storage closet, left the mop inside and left with swiftness.
"Once again, thank you (Y/n)..." Hannibal raised his voice as you walked further away from his cell.

You got your, now useless, radio from the lady, and got in the elevator.
You rode up, still quietly thinking about your choice.
It wasn't good...
Or was it?

The rest of the day went by pretty normaly, you gave food to your patients, exept Hannibal, who was under someone else today.
Took a pack of matches from Misha, and made sure the other, big guy was still in his spot.
You went on for the rest of your day, without uttering a word.
It was getting late, so you started packing up your shit and giving your patients dinner.

Once you were done with all this stuff, you grabbed your bag, got in your car, and silently drove home.
You didn't even turn on the radio.
You just had to think about your decision.
When you finnaly got home, you colapsed on the sofa, far too tired to do anything about your body or current mood.

You were awoken by a familiar sound. A... ring.
You pushed your heavy eyelids up, relizing it's your phone's alarm.
Gotta go to work...
You grabbed the phone, looking at the lock screen as you tapped the snooze button.
What is this? Four missed calls.
That's a lot... it was all from Moira's asylum too. Is... is it possible Hannibal actualy got out?
You sat up, some of your bones cracking. Gotta call back.
You started the call up, as you walked into your bathroom.
"You have called into Moira's asylum, we apologize, but currently there is noone to pick up. Please leave a message after the beep. Have a great day!"
Automated message... you hung up, and got into shape quickly.
You trotted to your car, starting up and driving to work.
You were worried. What if they didn't pick up because... because of you. Maybe they knew what you did.
Maybe they already contacted the police.
You parked your car outside badly, and got out, staring at the asylum.
You swallowed, going towards the door.
It felt like a horror story, walking up to the place and opening the main doors.
As soon as you walked through, you were welcomed by an empty security chair and two people running by the doorway with haste.
Almost af if they were late, or running from something.

You trotted closer, wanting to see what happened.
You walked to the reception, seeing papers scattered around, with smears of... blood on them.
You heard people screaming and running somewhere in the distance, maybe on other floors.
Even the patients were freaking out about the whole situation.
You looked at the nurse's room. The door were slightly opened...
You dropped your bag, slowly aproaching the door.
You laid your hand on them, listening at first, but not hearing much.
When you pushed the door to open, you were met with a dead body of a security guard.
You didn't exactly know what happened, as they had been laid, face to the ground.
'Oh my god...' You thought as you covered your mouth.

"Ah, (Y/n) I was wondering when you'd arrive. I'm afraid you're a little late my dear" A familiar voice spoke up.
You looked up to the locker room, seeing the doctor walking out of it, a gentle smile on his face.
He was covered in dark, red, blood.
It was going from his mouth onto his shirt.
Was he hurt?... no, that blood belongs to someone else.
"You... you did all this?" You started feeling sick. The doctor only smiled, secretly happy with himself.
"I understand this must be quite a... mess, for you. It is unpleasant even to me" He started his explanations.
"But, I promised I'd give you answers, once I get out" He slowly walked around a small coffee table, heading your way.
You backed up for a change.
"They were about to transfer me to a different cell the very night you gave the rod to me. You were my only saving..." He started explaining as he moved closer.
"I stabbed one of the men with it, took his weapon and beat the other one to death... they are still laying in my cell... motionless." He continued, stopping in front of you.
"I rode up here using the elevator and released a couple of... inmates. Enough chaos for me to just slip by" He finished explaining, studying your expressions for any sort of answer.
You looked away, still shocked from all this madness.
"As I've said before, I am most grateful for your asistance..." The doctor started again, gently grabing your hand and bringing it up, to his shoulder.
You were so frozen, so vulnerable.
You had to look up at him.
"... and I always repay my debts" He very carefuly grabbed your other hand, succesfuly making your heart freak out.
He laid his free hand on your side, gently swaying you from side to side.
It took a small moment to relize that the wolf in sheep's clothing was dancing with you.
You still had your frozen, neutral expression on, looking into his chest.
You found this mysterious man terrifying, yet so intriguing.
Mind said no, body said yes.

"I must ask you (Y/n)... you've interested me for long enough... gron the very first time I saw you..." Hannibal started again, bringing your hand up, and letting you spin slowly.
"... And I know I may be a bit... over already but... I couldn't help and notice your interest in me" He gently swayed you across the bloody nurse's room while speaking.
So he knew.
Of course he knew... he's a therapist.
"Doctor I..." You still looked dead center into his blood stained shirt.
"I want you to know that this is not a threat. If you say no, I will go my path, and you will go yours." He slowed down his dance a little bit, as if to adress that he's being serious.
You looked up at Hannibal, that dead neutral expression still active.
Your gaze... it tore at his heart. Stabbed it even. You were such a fragile little thing, he just wanted you for himself.
"Doctor..." You started your sentence.

A loud bang came from outside the door. Sounded like someone breaking the main door down.
"Save your breath dear... You will get the chance to answer me soon enough..." Hannibal went to let go, but that is when you suddenly snapped out of your transe and wrapped around him.
"I love you doctor" You said in a light monotone. You could feel Lector's hand pat your head and the other gently grab your arm.
"We'll see each other soon dear..." He pushed you away, and walked out of the room.

You were left standing, slightly covered in blood, and mostly covered in mushy feelings.
You walked out of the room, grabbing your bag on the way.
The one's who broke down the main door were the police. You just walked through them, as if you were a ghost.
You walked outside and just sat in your car.
You sat for a long time before a female police officer knocked on your window...

1444 words

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