Freddy Krueger x reader

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Lord save me the fred ones will be a nightmare (pun included) for me

"GOD. FUCKING. DAMNIT." You yelled as you hit your head into the wooden table that was overflowing with homework. "I don't even NEED THIS STUFF! Since WHEN WILL SOMEONE COME UP TO ME, HOLDING A KNIFE, AND ASK WHAT'S THE SQUARE ROOT OF NOONE GIVES A FUCK" You finished your rant and slammed your head on the table one last time, not intending to get up anymore. Your eyes moved from the pile of homework to the time. 0:19 you should say fuck it and sleep...Yeah let's do that. You got up, walked to your bathroom and got a quick shower. Jesus you needed sleep. School had you on the edge and moving to this new house wasn't an amaizing thing eighter. When you and your mom first arrived, you were kinda spooked of the place.

The house looked more like a prison from the outside. It had metal bars on the windows and all the walls were scratched up. As if a wild raging animal attacked the building. All around the carpet were little droplets of blood and some of the furniture was burned down. The rooms of the house looked just as bad but one of them stood out. In a horrifying way. The room was filled with various clocks and loud devices such as a TV or a radio. Mugs that had some left over coffee in them, could be found all over the room. The phone that used to work there, was torn out of the wall and thrown on the ground. At the door to the room, was something like a...a trap. It was prepared for the person that would come out of the room though...a sledgehammer that was held up by a weak string, which led down to the floor, transforming itself into a trip wire. Smart... But why? There have been some talks of the house, that it's haunted and of course, your mom had to buy it. Aparently a girl named Nancy Thompson and her mother lived here before you. The girl went slowly mad, refused to sleep and ended up fighting with someone in the house. So that's probably why the house is such a mess. Nancy herself said that it was a man that terrorised her in her dreams and that he was the one that killed all the kids on Elm st. It made no sense...Why would she even pick a guy like that?

And now? You're sleeping in the girls room. The room of milion clocks and mugs. Thank god you cleared those out along with the rest of the house...The faint smell of coffee could still be noticed but who cares. It's not like you'll have guests over any time soon. You made your way to the bed and floped onto it. You shut your eyes and fell asleep almost right away. You woke up in your favorite dream. A garden...such a nice garden... You sat on a long, green grass surounded by various tall, green trees and vines that crawled along the walls. This time though...the dream felt so real. You could feel your clothes, the grass under your feet, the slight breeze. What's up with this? I mean, it does feel nice, don't get me wrong. But something seems fishy don't you think? You decided to get up and have a walk around the beautiful green kingdom, as you normaly do. You walked, and walked, but...There was almost no sound. Not even the birds? No. Nothing... You walked into a bit of a darker part of your dream. There was an old willow bending over a little lake. You passed through the willows strings to see...a house? You've never...seen this house before. Why is it here?

It looked old. Almost rotten. You aproached it and started noticing small details...The grass around the house was shorter and shorter, it looked as if it was burned down. Speaking of that, so we're the trees, the house itself seemed just fine but this...This warmness was coming out of it. Let's try to explore it. Curiosity killed the cat anyway...

You walked up the little stairs that groaned at the impact, going straight for the door and pushed it open. The warmness consumed you as soon as you did this. Before you stood a long, red hallway, with metal pipes om the sides. A boiler room? You walked in slowly, instantly getting shivers. Not from coldness...from fear. You could feel the fear so clearly...This dream of yours turned into a very strong nightmare. You bravely continued to walk though the hallway, ocasionaly looking behind yourself. "Hello?" You spoke up, hoping to get a response other than your own echo and steam from the rusty pipes. Sometimes you could swear you felt hands touch your crossed arms. Like someone was holding you from the back. "Well, what do we have here..." A sudden loud, booming sound startled you. A voice? A rusty voice that seemed to come from everywhere, bouncing off the celing to the wall and to you, dragging the words in the sentence to make it longer. "This is a bad nightmare..." You said quietly to yourself and started to back up, until you couldn't...You hit something. You turned around to see what it was and...It's not an it...

A man. A head taller man, who wore a fedora, a red and green striped sweater acompanied with some black dirty pants. He had his arms crossed and had an expression of slight... disgust? His face was so, so heavily burnt. His eyes were the coldest you've ever seen. A frozen blue with a hint of red here and there. They made you feel uneasy for some reason. He war radiating bad bussiness "Such a pretty little thing..." He purred while he bent over, looking you up and down, stopping at some places and then straightening his back again. "E-excuse me...where..whats?" You didn't even know how to act and what to ask, especialy in front of this new, unknown man. A slight smirk apeared on his face as he checked you out one more time. "Fredderick Charles Krueger, your personal dream demon, to your service...princess.." he said, parted his hands to reveal a monstrous glove that had long, shiny, metal nails, grabbed his fedora and bowed down to you as a greet. Well damn...polite? "Wait...a dream demon? What does that mean?" You questioned and leaned foward just a bit. "That means...!" Fred launched foward slashing at you with his claw, leaving a tiny mark on your wrist. "THAT YOU SHOULD START RUNNING BITCH!" You quickly got the hint and began running, stumblimg a bit on the start. His demonic laugh followed you back to the exit like a bloodhoud...

1173 words
I hope I did good on my first Freddy... I'm really nervous about this...

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