Michael Myers x reader

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You were just going home from your work, tired as usual and wanting to plop in your bed and sleep. It was a Halloween sunset and kids ran around giggling, with adults chasing after them. You had to smile at the joy that was around. You liked this holiday. Some kids and teens would bumb into you here and there but you didn't take anything heavily. Everyone was just enjoying themselves.

You walked some more, passing houses with many colorful decorations and lights. You continued your journey home until...You stopped by a nearby house...The house was dark...no lights, decor, kids nor adults were around it. Your spine was always chilling from the disturbing house. Your legs decided to move foward on the sidewalk, as if telling you to stop staring at the house.

You suddenly bumped into something. It was almost rock hard so you assumed maybe a lamp or a pillar of some kind. As you took your (E/C) eyes off the house you were met with. Not a pillar, but a man. A man that could be considered as a pillar. He was probably around 6'5 or more. You assumed he was wearing his Halloween costume. He had a blue mechanic jumpsuit on, topped with a white face mask. The mask held absolutely no expression and covered the strangers eyes with a dark shadow that made the hair on your neck stand up. You soon relized you were staring.

"O-oh sorry sir! I-I didn't mean to bumb into you!" You managed to push out. You had no idea what made you stutter. You never stutter...The only aswer you got from him were some heavy breaths from the insisde of his mask. It creeped you out... "I...gotta go now...sorry again!"

You gave him a nervous smile that probably radiated fear and pushed by him, making your way home. The way home felt weird...Like you were being watched and followed. Like something was waiting in the shadows. 'Man...What a weirdo...' you thought about the man again as you finnaly got to the house door and unlocked it. The bowl that you put up for trick-or-treaters was almost empty. 'Better fill that up soon for the sharks' You smiled to yourself.

You closed the door and threw your bag near the stairs, falling on your sofa in the living room. "So tired..." You said, your voice being muffled by the sofa material. Soon you fliped yourself like a patty on a grill and turned on your TV. You switched around the channels until you stop at news with a shock "-e dangerous serial killer known as Michael Myers has escaped the far Haddonfield asylum, most likely returning back to his hometown Haddonfield. Residents are advised to take extreeme caution. Lock your doors, close your windows, arm yourself if necesary. And do not, under any circumstances go out." The man on the news continued to blatter on about some other stuff that you didn't bother listening to. "A loose killer in Haddonfield...lord..." You whispered to yourself.

You got up and closed all windows, even upstairs, making sure they hold. You walked to your door, meaning to grab the bowl outside. You peeked through your peephole to check, you're not that dumb. As you were checking...You saw a man...walking away from your house...going behind your neighbors house. '...' it did startle you a bit but it could have been your neighbor so...For the bowl you go.

Opening the door slowly, you reach for the bowl only to squeal quite loudly. There was a dead crow inside. No more candy. Just a dead crow. "...stupid pranks...Jesus..." You sigh a bit not wanting to grab the bowl now...But of course you had to. You picked it up and brang it inside, even with the crow. 'disgusting...' you thought to yourself. You put the bowl on the counter and stared at it for a second. The poor animal seemed to be stabed. Someone put their work to this. Grabbed the creature by their back and stabed them in the stomach, killing them almost instantly. You grabbed the carcass with a napkin and went to your backyard, to leave it there. As you were in the cold backyard...Something seemed off again...For once, it was colder than it should have been...or are you just imagining stuff? Probably that. Second thing was...The stalky feeling...Something was watching...again..."Hello?" You called out trying to sound as brave as possible. After a moment of waiting you relized you were literaly standing in your backyard with a dead crow in a napkin asking hello's. You must have looked strange to say at the very least

The feeling of stalkiness soon stopped and so you decided to go inside again, leaving the body all alone on the cold ground. You closed the door, locking it and going upstairs in your room. Grabbing your (F/C) hoodie on the way. You stomped the stairs quite quickly as you wanted this night to be over already. A murderer running around Haddonfield was the last thing you needed today. You imidiately stopped as you were upstairs.

The door to your room. That's supposed to be closed. Always. Imidiately a feeling of uneasiness starts baking in your stomach. There was a small gap between the door and the wall. An eerie feeling went over your back. Like something else was in the house. Was there? No. It must be your imagination playing tricks. You're nervous because of the killer is all. The work, the kids, the Halloween, the man you bumped into, it all brings stress- the man you bumped into...could...could he be the murderer?

You walked carefuly and quietly towards your room, trying to peek through the hole to the inside. You were greeted by the usual darkness of the room. You reached inside, and grabbed your baseball bat that was near the door. You pushed the door open with your foot, in a posicion ready to bash some burglar/killer brains out! Noone was gonna fuck with- Oh my god that's a dead cat. There was the neighbours catter. Mr.Puss wuss. You hated the cat but the thing lying on your bed, guts scatered around almost made you vomit. You crouched down, using the bat as a holder-up and gagged a few times. Why the hell were there dead animals in your house?? Someone must have been putting them here.

After you calmed down a bit and inspected the corpse a bit more you noticed more stabs. Again. This cat has been murdered. They weren't here in the morning when you left for work. And noone could get inside the house as the day went on. It's always locked- there is someone in your house right now. They must've sliped in when you carried the crow out and left the back door open. After you went in you locked it. You're locked here with someone. This was a quiet moment of relazation in which you felt like an easy prey for the predator that's here.

You took a few breaths before quietly getting up. Your eyes were still fixated on the cat but your mind was already thinking about a plan. Escape plan. Downstairs wasn't an option. The predator would get you before you'd get down and the doors are locked as well. Could you jump out of the window upstairs? With luck you could only break your leg or arm. But the fall will most likely kill you. Was there no escape? Are you done? Is this theg- *smack* *thud*
You fell knocked down on the ground. A heavy object was smacked againts your skull.

To be continued babies~...

(A/N) Did I do good on my first thing? I'll post a lot more in the future! I just wanted to try this out!
1328 words

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