Candyman x reader

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(It's about time I dust off this chapter and start working on it! There was a TON of requests for Candyman :D)

"Miss? May I go to the bathroom?" You raised your hand asking your teacher. She gave you a nod and you were dissmissed. Just before you left you quickly stuffed your phone into your pocket. The teach probably knew but didn't care much at this point.

"Come on come on come on..." You impatiently walked around the bathroom, stomping your foot every couple of minutes. Misha was supposed to be here! You and her would always come into the third floor bathroom, wednesday at exactly this period. She'd give you the latest gossip and you'd give her food. It was sort of an understanding ritual between you. Ever since sixth grade. Soon, the door of the bathroom bust open and the small redhead trotted into the room.

"The hell you leprechaun I've been waiting for like five hundered years for your royal ass to come" You smacked your friends head jokingly. She quietly giggled as she hopped on top of the counter where the sinks were installed. "Sorry for the wait but trust me when I say that I have the spiciest news ever" She said, searching for something in her pocket. "Great how much you want for it?" You asked, leaning on the wall. "One."
"God, I'm fearing. One what? Pizza? Cake?"
"Jesus woman chill, I want one lollypop" Misha giggled taking her phone out of her pocket.
"You're cheap today... who are you and what did you do to Misha?" You asked smiling. Misha smiled back at you, still playing the dinosaur jumping game on her phone. She was pretty damn good at this one.

"So spill! We've got like... five minutes before the teachers whiff at us" You said, tapping on the watch on your wrist. It was broken but it still served it's purpouse of alarming anyone.
"Tobias is still having that deadly cough of his, always has to go out of classrooms" Misha started, still playing her game.
"Yeah, everyone knows that one..." You looked into the mirror, straightening your hair out a little.
"Rick broke up with Kentley for like the milionth time. He slept with Sabra" Misha continued, focusing her view to the game.
"Standard stuff, the break up won't last long..." You said, still studying your face in the mirror. "I thought you said you had some real tea. I ain't givin' you shit for this trash info" You said, looking at Misha. "Well you know I save the best for last..." She said quietly, sounding almost dark. "So?" You asked.

Misha obviously died in the game because she started focusing on you.
"Have you noticed something strange about the bitch girl party?" She leaned foward in her cross legged sit. "Not... really..." You replied, furrowing your eyebrows.
"Das right, the hoes contacted a demon. Pow!" Misha whispered, sitting back.
"Hol' on hol' on. Elaborate." You furrowed your eyebrows at her again.
"Oh sister you're getting it from the source" Misha said happily.
"Kali, Sarah, Stacey and the rest of the bitch club decided to contact a demon, right in. The second. Bathroom." Misha smiled evily.
"No shit... I don't belive you" You said to her.
"Ay ay ay, you know how Kali has the bee alergy?" Misha asked you, spreading her arms apart. "Yeah... I also heard about the bee nest that's above the window of the second bathroom..." You said to the small girl.
"Correct, now tell me. Why would bees just decide to live here in a school where there is a lotta people and no flowers?" Misha asked again.
"Demon" The redhead yelled over your voice.
"I was there when they chanted him up, I was there when Sarah got killed and Kali got stung like gadgilion times!!" Misha continued to yell.
"Why do you think the bathroom's closed and Kali and Sarah are not in school today?" Misha lifted her shoulders, explaining some more. "I mean... I guess they could just be faking sickness..."
"ARE YOU DEAF?!" Misha yelled out. "I was there you god damn rooter! I heard how to summon 'em!" Misha pushed you jokingly. "Okay fine, if you saw the spooky demon, tell me what it looked like. Horns? Scales? Satanic pentagrams-"
"A guy."
"The demon. It looked like a normal black guy with bees flying all around him. I saw him trough a crack of the stall I was hidden in" Misha said, sounding pretty serious.

"How did they summon him?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. Misha closed her eyes and began speaking. "You gotta look into a mirror and say his name five times or something like that. Like bloody Mary type of shit" Misha opened her eyes again, keeping her eyebrows furrowed.
"What's his name?" You turned to her.
"Um... Candyman... why do you wanna know?" She asked, with a bit of concern.
You leaned on the faucets, still keeping eye contact. "You think he may be after you now?" You asked her. "I mean I didn't summon him, so he has no reEEASON-" The red haired girl suddenly freaked out, scooting further away from you. A small bee flew into her view, scaring her away. "Shit fuck take her away!" Misha yelled out, not wanting to hurt the animal. You quickly extended your hand and caught the little bee. "You think it's the demon's?" You looked at Misha, your eyes shining. "Maybe... try to let it go. We'll see how it acts" Misha stood on her fours, looking at your closed fist. You slowly opened it, seeing the bee just sort of sitting there. "Eighter this one had too much sugar or she's a spooky possessed bee" Misha gently poked the bee. It slowly made it's way down your wrist, getly petting her furry legs on it. "Should we keep it?" You asked your friend.
"Hell yeah, I'm all about having a demon bee" Misha smiled searching in her infitite pockets. She took out a matches pack. She opened it and the bee crawled into it pretty willingly. "Here, it seems to like you more. It's your possessed bee" Misha smiled, passing you the match box. You took it, thanked her for the scratch, promised her a lollypop and left back to your classroom.

Troughout the day, you'd carefuly check up on the bee. She seemed to be chillin' just fine.

As soon as you got home, you trotted to your room, threw your backpack down and turned on your computer. You carefuly laid down the match box, running away to get a snack while the computer is turning on. When you returned to your room, you saw the little box open. You furrowed your eyebrows, walking a little closer to it. You were sure it was closed...
You pushed the inside of the box out, seeing that it was empty. No bee anywhere. You ran to your bag looking through it. Maybe the bee fell out, possibly getting squashed by your books? It was a stupid idea setting the box there. You were starting to panic as you didn't see the little fluffy body anywhere. Untill you heard it. Quiet buzzing behind you. You looked at your mirror seeing the bee gently bumping into it.
You slowly got up and started walking to the mirror. The bee stopped freaking out as you aproached, instead it started walking in circles. An outline of a circle big enough for your palm to fit...

1258 words

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