Creeper x reader (part 6)

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(30 followers hell ya!
* puts on sunglasses and dances*)

As soon as you arrived home you were absolutely bombarded with questions about your messed up form, missing bag and your late arrival. You thankfuly managed to play it off by lying. You said that you forgot the clothes bag at Misha's and that you fell down a hill while hanging out with her.
Your parents ended up beliving you and you were invited to dinner. You had an uneasy feeling about it... more questions will roll by.

"(Y/n) is something wrong?" Your mother suddenly asked while eating her spaghetti. You almost choked on a noodle. How and why does she always notice?
"It's um... I just met someone on the road" You said, trying to focus on the food and not your mothers piercing eyes. "Did they do something to you?" Your mom laid her fork down, now having a protective face. You chuckled a little looking down. "He um... he was a... a hitchhiker" You lied, thinking of the strory you were going to tell her.
"(Y/n) jesus we told you many times not to pick (my autocorrect said lick.) up hitchhikers" Your dad bumped into the conversation, sounding a little angry. "Dad. The 9 road is so long and the heat was unbearable. He was barely stomping" You argued back, calming dad down a little.
"What did the hitchhiker do to you?" Your mom asked again. "He did nothing bad..." You said, looking at your spaghetti again. "He um, he was really nice and... I think... I think he wanted to be friends. I know where he lives and he invited me over" You slowly suggested, seeing your mom grab her fork again. "I wanna hang out with him..." You batted your eyes at mom, pleading for her to let you go.
"You want to hang out with a complete stranger?" Your dad questioned, furrowing his bushy brows.
You sighed with a hint of annoyance. "He's not a stranger, he became a friend"
"What's his name?" Your mom asked calmly. She seemed to be on your side for once.
But wait. Name... name name name... you can't just say Creeper. That's a direct ticket to parent hell.
"Jack. Jack Creeper" You sweat out the name heavily. It was the best you could think about in the moment.
"And what if he's a cannibal huh? He invites you to his home and you get eaten" Your dad was still protesting.
"What does Jack look like?" Your mom ignored dad's questions.
You started panicking again. God damn you mother, why must you make everything so hard.
"Jack is... Jack has really dark skin and wears a cowboy hat. He dislikes having it off" You chuckled, remembering the Creepers adorible discomfort while you stole his hat.

"Y'know what? I don't mind. You might as well finnaly hang out with new people" Your mom chuckled, grabbing yours and dad's plates.
"You can leave whenever you're ready" She nervously smiled, half-sitting on the kitchen counter.
"But I'd be glad if you at least slept over" She crossed her arms.

Dad continued to protest for a good minute before your mom basicaly told him to shush.

You walked to your room, thinking about the Creeper. Could he be thinking back at you?
And what was his reaction going to be when he sees you? You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow.
I wonder what is the demon doing right now...

At the church (aka house of pain as the Creeper calls it)
Another batch of guts spilled on the dusty floor, filling the room with a thick smell of blood that no human would be able to stand. The Creeper crouched down, smelling the bloody intestants. No. There was no sweet smell like yours. His mind was constantly occupied with the (h/c) haired human. The creeper snarled angrily, reaching into the hung corpse's chest and pulling out a whole ass heart. He got up, smelling the bloody thing in his hand. Again, it didn't smell as sweet as yours. It didn't pump with the happy beat yours did. And it didn't speed up every time you saw him.
The Creeper was angry that you didn't wanna stay, but he couldn't hold it againts you.

Happy cheery music from the gramophone filled the dark basement of the church as the creeper took a needle with an old string in it, ready to stitch the body back up.
Maybe the human would return. Just maybe though... it was already a miracle that she didn't scream when seeing the Creeper.
He bit into the heart leaving it in his mouth like you would with an apple and began stitching the body back up.
I wonder what is the human doing right now...

Tomorrow day
You slept in a load.
You opened your eyes tiredly, getting used to the bright light around you. You sighed happily, remembering that you're in the safety of your home.
Then you frowned with unease, thinking that you're not with your demon friend.

You sat on your bed, stretching your back. You got up, and went to get breakfast. Dad was already away at work and your mum was sitting a few feet in front of the TV, sipping her coffee.
You opened the frigde getting some quick biscuits and pressing a button on the kettle. You ate quickly while running to your room and getting dressed.
"Why the rush baby?" You heard your mom shout from the living room calmly. She was used to your messy energy.
"I wanna go see Cr- Jack!" You yelled back, stuffing your head through the sleeve of your shirt by an accident.
When you were dressed and washed you ran back into the kitchen to make yourself some coffee as well. You sipped it calmly and slowly but as soon as you were on the end of the cup, it was time to haul fast again.
"BYE MOM LOVE YOU A LOT!" You yelled as you tore the door open, running out to your car.

You stood in front of it for a good minute before you relized that you forgot the keys in your house. You ran back in and looked around.
"On the counter baby" Your mother said calmly as she finnished her coffee.
"Thanks mum!" You smiled grabing the keys. You blew her an air kiss and hoped out the door, running to your car again.

You were confident on returning to the Creeper and maybe even throwing some words with him. Even though he never spoke... can he even... whatever. Not on the important right now.

About two 'n a half hours later (I told you the road is long)
You finnaly started recognizing the dead trees. A small smile crept up on your face. You thought about him again. His strong hold and his praize for your guts. Even though it may be weird, you liked him. And that is okay.
You drove on the road seeing a small bunk of trees. You saw a few crows flying and cawking around the place. Must be it. Has to be.
As you got closer you saw the cross pop up from under the trees.
You pulled over, parking the car next to one of the tired-looking trees.
You got out and started walking on the dusty path that lead to the church.
You saw a certain someone on the rooftop of the used-to-be white church.

The someone's hat has been pulled over their eyes and their right hand was under their head. One of his legs crossed the other as he consumed something red-ish.
"Excuse me sir have you seen a black demon somewhere over here?"
You shouted his way, smiling as you set your hands on your hips.
The Creeper growled as he heard a voice of some foolish human.
Why do they have a need to ask a creepy guy on a rooftop where is a bla-
The Creeper got on his elbows and lifted his hat up. That was no ordinary human. That was the one. The one for him.
The demon got into a sit posicion, leaning a little foward to see if his stolen eyes do not decieve him. They did not. It was his human.

"I came back" You smiled, making a couple of steps closer to him.
He creeper snarled before jumping down. He didn't even care about the fresh heart he was eating a second ago. He made fast steps towards you. They seemed angry. You got a little nervous. You didn't know in what mood the demon might be. Maybe you'll actualy get eaten and killed. Your guts will be splatered on the dusty floor and your corpse will hang on the creepy tapissery with others.
You were hugged.
Hugged really tight by the Creeper.
The monster inhaled your scent deeply, afraid that you might leave and he would never smell it again.

You gently wrapped your arms around the demon, asuring him you won't leave soon.
"Don't worry, I won't leave you" You smiled, feeling the creeper hug you tighter as you finnished the sentence.
After a love filled moment of silence you spoke up again.
"You know I can't because you'll just hit me with your van"
You got a pissed snarl from the creeper. He pushed you off of himself and began walking into the church.
"Wait no I love you!" You shouted, trotting behind him.
You caught up and grabbed his hand, walking with him happily.
You were both satisfied with the others presence.

1607 words

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