Hannibal x reader

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(Heyy, Happy new year 2021! I wish everything good to you my readers :D)

New job means new oportunities right? ...right?

You were recently hired as a nurse and a bit of a phychiatrist for a nearby prisoner asylum.
Quite a wild dream job if you ask me.
At the hiring interview, they specified that you'll be taking care of very few specific patients. You didn't know their names or what they looked like yet, but you were sort of looking foward to taking care of them.
You wanted to help people. In any way you could.
They also specified that your job may be challenging... on both mental and physical page. A lot of paper signing was included, until you finaly shook hands with smiles on your faces.

You straightened your rather short, white skirt and walked to the elevator. When the door opened, a blonde haired girl stood in the metal construct, with a man in a dark coat behind her. "Up or Down?" She asked, shaking violently. She seemed as if she was extremly cold or scared.
"...up" You answered her untrustily as you stepped into the elevator. She agressively pressed the button to the upper floor and watched the door close. As soon as it closed, she crouched down and looked at the bottom of the doors.
"Are you new here?" The man suddenly turned to you, asking.
"Yes, just now I'm going on the tour" You smiled at him, looking down on your watch afterwards.
"Ah well, I am Doctor Coal" He stretched out his gloved hand for a handshake. You gladly acepted it.
"My name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n)" You said warmly with a smile. Making a good first impression is always important.
"That down there is my patient. Ms Smithers. She is a little afraid of evelators" He explained, gently pointing to the lady crouched on the floor.
"Then... why don't you use stairs?" You asked, griping your papers a little tighter.
"Oh Ms Smithers insists on going through the elevator and helping people go up and down until it's time for lunch" The doctor explained, his eyes and voice speaking tiredness.
"Oh... I am sorry... it has to be difficult" You sympathised with the doctor.
"Oh I got used to it surprisingly quick. It's my job anyway. I'm sure you will too once you get your patients" He smiled at you, lifting his shoulders.

A ding from the elevator signified the door opening. And again as soon as it opened, Ms Smithers stood up straight, staring at the open doorway.
"Have a nice day" Dr. Coal said to you, before you walked out.

Okay... we're trying to find a small group of confused people such as yourself...
Looking around a little you saw a small hunch of women with mostly short hair. They all clutched papers in their hands, some looking around, others striking small talk with each other. You decided to slowly trot into the group. You managed to speak to the tallest nurse, getting to know that you were actualy in the correct spot, and that they're just waiting for their guide to arrive.
Soon, a rather small man strode up to your group. He had round, black glasses, black, neatly brushed hair and a pathetic excuse for a moustache. Some nurses in the back quietly giggled at his appearance while you simply smiled.

"Alright ladies, you must be the new nurses that have been sent from all over" He gave a polite smile, he seemed like a nice guy.
"Right off the bat, you, in the back, you forgot to put on your name tag ma'am" He pointed into the group, meaning you. You looked at your chest, seeing that it indeed, held no tag.
"I apologise" You quickly said, taking it out of your bag and clicking it onto your shirt.
"Perfect, thank you. Here at Moira's asylum, we take great care of security so everyone must have their tag on" The small, black-haired doctor explained. A blonde haired nurse at the front lift her hand up into the air.
"Yes ma'am?" The doctor let her speak.
"I heard all this security is because of one specific patient... is that true?" She hung a question in the air, as she slowly lowered her arm.
"Perfect and an important question, but we'll get to that when we get to that" The doctor said with a smile.
"Now, if there are no more questions, I would like to begin our little tour" He said one last time, before you all started following him.

As you all walked around, the black-haired doctor explained all sorts of rules and daily rituals you or other nurses had to do. You tried writing everything down as fast as you could, but you wouldn't belive how fast the man could talk.
Finnaly, when you were all introduced to the kitchens, the caffeteria for both well-behaved and not-so-well-behaved patients, along with the rather small pharmacy, it was time to get to know your patients.
"Now, ladies, does everyone know who their patients are?" He asked, not getting any answers. Just confused looks that were exchanged between you nurses.
"Alright, that's fine... some moron who can't write papers down, decided that he's far too lazy to write down your patients... we'll go from names. You at the front, what is your name ma'am?" He stated, imidiately questioning a nurse at the front.
They introduced to each other, and he took the entire group to her two patients.
Then he asked another nurse and this went on and on, until you were the last one left.
"And you are ma'am?" The small doctor asked, cleaning his glasses using his lab coat.
"(Y/l/n) (Y/n)" You said with a tiny smile.
"Aah, I know right off the bat, I remember your name from the papers perfectly... ladies, you stay here while I take Mrs (Y/l/n) on a more special tour. It shouldn't take long, so do not worry" The doctor looked you up and down carefuly, as he spoke. He motioned for you to follow him.

"You have a few of our most special and interesting... people" The doctor broke the silence between you as you walked the halls of the prison asylum.
"Yes, to be honest I kind of envy you, to have special cases on my hands again..." The doctor got lost in thought before he stopped walking in front of a heavy-looking metal door.
He took out a large ring of keys that looked like it weighted around fifteen killograms and opened up the door. Inside, on the bed sat a rather small girl. Around your age, if not younger. She had a brutal red mess for hair on her head and looked very bored.
"This is Misha Korinkova, she's one of the special patients that you'll be taking care of" He outstretched his hand to Misha, introducing her to you.
"Good day Miss Korinkova" You stretched your hand out for a handshake. The doctor didn't know what reaction Misha might have but it turned out that she simply shook with the new nurses hand. He sighed in relief.
"Misha was brought here because her neighbours were always calling the police on her. Disturbance of peace. One day the police kicked her door down and... oh you can read it yourself" The black-haired doctor said, refusing to go further in her backstory. He led you out of the room, and started listing the rules for Misha.
"Korinkova is alowed pencils but no other sharp objects of any sorts. This includes knifes, forks, pens and pins.
Furthermore, Misha doesn't have any needs to escape her cell but do not forget to lock the door, as she often sleep walks" The doctor stated all the rules as you wrote them down.
"And the important, please do not say theese specific names:
Fred, Harry, Jason, Jack and or Michael. The patient will go into a tantrum and it is hard to calm her..."
He said the names quietly, taking off his glasses and cleaning them again.
"Why?" You asked.
"We do not know that yet, unfortunately" He lift his shoulders.

You moved on, to another patient that was a little further away from Misha's cell.
"This is Michael. I am unauthorised to tell you his last name, but all you need to know is, that he murdered a lot of poor people. He is not very agressive and barely moves but I assure you, he's dangerous. His rules are simple:
Do not force him to speak, no sharp objects such as knifes, forks, keys, pencils or pins and open his door only with his personal doctor or security" The doctor quickly specified, standing very far from Michael's door.
You looked through the tiny bars and saw only the man's back. He seemed to be looking out of the tiny window his cell had. He was a large, messy haired male.
And now to your final patient.

1514 words

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