Brams Heelshire x reader (part 3)

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Mr and Mrs Heelshire must've been speaking to their boy, due to them being so "loud and clear". You've heard Mr Heelshire talking about that you're the one, and that little Heelshire does not need to be worried. That you'll take care of him and that you'll be good to him.

They finnaly walked down from the kids room. "Alright (Y/n), I've written the rules down, in case you forget about something" Mrs Heelshire intructed you as she put on her noir-looking coat. "What else what else..." she quietly recithed before coated Mr Heelshire went into the view. "You'll be good to our boy right? You'll be good to him and he'll be good to you. You'll be bad to him an-"
"Alright I do belive that is enough. Ms (Y/n) will take great care of our little Brahms" Mrs Heelshire cut her husband off and shot you a smile. "You'll be alright. Don't worry." She assured you. Why were they so on prickles with this situation? I get that leaving their boy alone with a stranger is hard but... why are they putting you up so much? You're just... you didn't get it. The Heelshires walked out of the door and got into the car. Mrs Heelshire gave you a wave. Strange... they didn't have any bags with them... probably already on their way to their destination.
The car rode off, towards the same road you took when you came here. Now, you were all alone.
Well- with Brahms but you know what I mean. Normaly you'd give the doll reading for goodnight but Mrs Heelshire did all that for you today. You were pretty much free. Time to unpack your bags? Time to unpack your bags.
You walked up the creaky stair, the walls groaning as soon as you moved. You opened the door to the guest room, where you were staying.

Your bags... most of them were... open. Clothes were dragged around, dress on the bed, socks on the table... the hell was this luggage attack. Your mind imidiately jumped to the old man who said he'd help you with your bags. But he only carried them to the foyer. You brought them into the guest room yourself.
It's foolish but... maybe Brahms could know something? Hes asleep now so you'll have to clean this mess and ask him tomorrow. Another freaking job. You stretched and began folding the clothes again. There was a lot on your mind and you just wanted to sleep.

'Now that all that's done...' You thought, stretching out your arms and falling on the big fat bed. It was really something. Much better than the bed at home dare I say. You took your phone out of your pocket and called up your friend, Misha. Surprising that there is still signal. I mean, you're pretty much deep into British woods.
"Elo love, you require tea m'lady?" Her classic voice with a fake British accent ran through the phone, making you smile.
"Oh haha real funny" You replied
"So come on, tell me, how is it?"
"They're pretty much paying me to stay in their mansion of a house. I'm not fucking with you"
"Wait wait waitwaitwait. What about the kid?" Misha asked, sounding confused.
"Aw, you flirt~"
"No, I meant that the kid, he's a litteral doll"
"That's sweet then, imagine if you'd have to watch a little shit"
"No you idiot, a  d o l l  as in, it's a legitimate lifeless object"
"I... wait... OH I GET IT" Misha yelled out, finnaly understanding the situation. "So uh... basicaly you're just moving places for a couple 'o weeks and getting paid for it?"
"Wish I could be a babysitter" Misha murmured.
"Y'know, there is something off here though" You started, rolling over on the bed. "Oh, let me guess, shit's haAaunTeEd" Misha said, shaking her voice as if she were a ghost.
"Yeah, I get that feeling. The walls creak every time I move, my clothes were all over the place... I'm gonna ask Brahms about it tomorrow" You explained.
"Wait, you're actualy gonna take care of the doll?"
"That's what they hired me for, no?" You replied.
"Good point... aight girl, I gotta go. You keep it up and be careful hun mkay?"
"Aye aye capitan" You smiled, getting a chuckle from the other side.

You laid the phone down, and decided to get dressed for sleep. Even with the shutters closed, you couldn't block out the feeling of eyes. Eyes watching you struggle to sleep. Eyes that would come closer once you've closed yours... a bad feeling indeed. At least the creaking stopped. It must've gone to bed with you.

'Annoying alarm...' You thought before smacking the phone. You wanted to sleep in, but your eyes opened automaticaly, making you look around. You were confused...where are you right now?
Oh wait- yeah, the job... you sighed, smiling. You threw off the dark green blanket and stood up from the bed. You stretched, popping a couple of bones as you did so. You sighed and went to your closet.
The hell... the clothes. They're scatteted around again. Noone snuck into your room, that's impossible, you would have noticed. You sighed, picking up some of the clothes that were laying on top of the pile and went to the bathroom.
After brushing your theeth and getting ready you put the clothes on and looked at yourself in the mirror, looking at any small flaws, which there were none beCAUSE YOU'RE FRIGGIN BEAUTIFUL and went to wake Brahms up.

The walls didn't creek at all as you approached the doll's room. Kinda strange... You opened the door to the boys room and knocked on the frame.
"Aye aye Brahms boy, time to wake up" You said loudly, walking to the doll with a smile. The walls started creaking as soon as you finnished that sentence. Maybe they creak due to a sound damage or some shit? I don't know how walls work...
You uncovered the blankets from the doll and put him on top of the bed, getting ready to dress him up.
After the menacing fight with the buttons on his tiny suit, you decided that it's time to eat. "Alright brahms, time for breakfast. You hungry? I know I am..." You picked the doll up, carrying it downstairs into the kitchen, as if it were your own child.

You walked into the kitchen and seated little Brahms into the chair that was ready just for him. You walked over to the counter and saw... something that wasn't there before. A plate with a toast on it, with all your favorite stuff in it. There was a small note saying "For (Y/n) -B"
"Malcolm?" You yelled out, waiting if the delivery guy would answer. Non. Maybe B something something was his last name? Could he have prepared this? Surely it was not Brahms doll...
You prepared the food for Brahms and gently put it in front of the doll, eating your own labeled food with a smile on your face.

After that, there were learning hours for Brahms

1197 words

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