Michael Myers x reader (part 4)

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Mike was horrible on the way to your home. It was like he was super nervous or anxious or wanted to tell you something but... couldn't. He wanted to do something but didn't have the strength to. He defenetly wasn't nervous because of the police. Like what are they gonna do? Shoot him? Psh...no he was afraid of something much worse. Or at least to him it seemed like an impossible thing to do. You two walked slowly through the night, right next to each other, not rushing anything. You didn't really have to anyway. Sometimes you looked up at the night sky, noticing a few white dots. And smiling up there, having at least some comfort in the night. Suddenly you felt a cold entity around your wrist. You looked down only to see... Michael's hand? He was holding your wrist, still looking straight ahead almost as if this was an absolutely normal thing to do. You looked up at him with a tiny cheeky smile on your face. "What are you doing?" You laughed a bit and furrowing your eyebrows. Imidiately after that Mike let go. Did you scare him? What did he mean to do? Was he actualy...trying to hold your hand? Or did he just grab you to secure, you wouldn't run away.

Mike's pov
God that was stupid...I...Don't even know. How...How do they hold hands. My sister would watch some love movies when I was just a kid. I saw them do this. I didn't do it right. She hated it. I. I did bad. I shouldn't have-

Normal pov
Michael suddenly felt his fingers move. He didn't tell them to? He looked down slowly, in a bit of confusion. What he saw made him blush pretty hard. God he hated that... His hand was intervined with yours as you slowly swinged it back and forth gently. His head imidiately launched foward again, as if he didn't want to look. He couldn't help but feel this...warmth...that was coming from the inside. He never felt this. Ever. It felt...nice? Nicer than blood that's for sure. You yourself thought that his reaction was cute. So much for the reputation of a cold-blooded murderer. You two continued the rest of the walk in a rather comfortable silence, that was only acompanied by Michael's breathing here and there.

As you arrived at your house you were oh so happy to see, you separated your hands leaving Mike a little sad...He wanted the warmth back again...Jumping up the couple of stairs, you grabbed your doorknob and twisted it. You mentaly facepalmed as you relized that Mike broke in, and you locked your door, yourself, and him inside. (It sounds a bit weird..sorry :'D) How were you gonna get inside? The keys were eighter in or...You heard a familiar chittering metal sound of your keys behind you! You turned around to see Michael took them while he was leaving with you.

You sighed happily reaching for the silver item until it was yanked more up. You stared a bit in confusion before attempting to grab them again, only to be taken even higher. This personal murderer of yours was literaly playing with you! Since when did he get so soft? He used his height as a usage around you, since you were much smaller than he was. You could almost promise you heard a couple of happy breaths from him when you tried jumping for the keys. "Michael I need those!" You crossed your arms jokingly and got a bit red from this. The killer only lowered his face and shook a little with his white mask. You didn't understand at first but you tried your luck "...Please?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows once more. He lowered his arm letting you take the silver unlocker.

You snatched it rather quickly walking over to your door and succesfuly unlocking it, pushing it open. The classic smell of your home hit you. It was just... home. You walked over to your house phone and called up a pizza. You took your classic order, (your favorite pizza. Pinaple is not allowed in this house)
Was always the choice. You'd didn't even bother asking Michael who was still standing in the doorway, probably heavily thinking about if he can enter. You sat on your kitchen counter and looked to the doorway. "Mike? You can enter you know." You said sounding a bit sarcastic.

The stalker did as you said so, shutting the door behind him. He looked around the entrance, looking down your walls, celing, floor, inspecting every little inch of your house. You didn't really take any bad to it, seeing as it's probably been a long time since someone invited him in their home. He soon managed to dissapear in the shadows of your house. Damn this man was good. It still got you a bit spooked, not knowing where a murderer is in your house. But thinking about how he got awkward when 'holding' hands made that thought go away quickly.

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