Norman Bates x reader (part 3)

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"Explain your behaviour." The...person... demanded as they looked you up and down.
"N-Norman I didn't mean to-"
"I am not Norman. That is my son. My name, is Norma." The "woman" in front of you interupted and explained right after. This must be the personality disorder then. "S-so wait...let me process this please... You are... Norma. Norman's mother. You the hotel together...And you two posess the same..." You lost yourself in thought. You didn't want to say something wrong to the peeved off woman. Norma, was just patiently waiting for you to sort it out for yourself. When you opened your mout to ask something, you imidiately felt their finger on your lips. The thought of Norman practicaly doing this, made you blush just a little.
"My son has that disorder yes. I am still here to protect him, and I will be here as long as needed. The train, does not. Go over that." She crossed her arms again and the sentence that spewed out of her mouth sounded very threathingly.

You stood in silence for a moment...It was still rushing hard through your head. "I can also tell you that I will protect him from strangers such as yourself..." She said dominantly. You kept on listening to her creaky voice, as to show respect and to assure her you were no trouble. "When Norman first told me about you, I was not impressed. But...When he mentioned the way you acted...I thought I should take a look at you myself..." She said as she started walking circles around you, arms now resting on her stomach in that crossed possicion and eyes going up and down on your body and posture again. "Norman spoke of me?" You turned your head in interest. Was he really? What did he say to her? You hoped he said what you thought he would... "To calm your soul, yes, he said that he's interested in you. But sadly, my son had never spoken to a person he felt for." The mother admited, almost as if she was disgusted. "Belive me ma'am, I hadn't spoken to someone like that myself...Me and Norm are pretty much the same side. I-I like him too..." You tried to ease off the mother. Your heart jumped a little when she said Norman spoke about you. You hoped so much...and here we are

She threw another look of unknown emotion your way and then sighed, as if she gave up. "Listen and my son have a deep secret. And we have been sharing this secret for long. I fear he is starting to be capable of taking care of himself... I fear I will leave him soon. And as much as I hate to say it...he needs someone." She sighed as she put her hand on your shoulder, defeated. So...Norma wants Norman to be happy... But what's the deep dark secret they have? You're not a snoopy person really. But this was just eating you from inside.

"I would speak to you more but..." She grabbed the bridge of her nose, her head clearly hurting. "Norman is already thrashing out..." She chuckled slightly as she staggered. You crawled under her arm and worked as a support to her. You led her to their room and left her to change back.

Time skip of 8 minutes
Norman came out of the room, clearly tired from the sudden changes. He staggered back to his seat and watched you for a moment. You tried avoiding eye contact at first, as to not make it awkward but once you took a look into those dark were taken again... They were dangerous and scary. Calming and threathening. Kind and killing... Just amaizing...
"What did she say to you...?" Norman suddenly peeped up, his elbows on his knees and his torso bent, so he could be closer to you. It took you by surprise how scared he sounded. Was he fearing that mother has told their secret? "I-I don't want to scare you off with her...I-I love my m-mother but sometimes she gets...I-In the way..." He clearly hated to say that sentence...It was very visible he loved his mother. You had to smile at the thought that he didn't want to scare you off. He wanted you in the hotel...
"Your mother is nice Norman" you reasured him, smiling kindly. It clearly took the boulder off of Norman's heart. He was glad you didn't go crazy and run away. He smiled at you and you two continued your talks. You spoke mostly about your childhoods and parents. Norman told you that his mother hasn't been home for a long period of time back then and that he had to go to some kind of a hospital and that when they let him out, he saw mother home again. You didn't want to bring it up but to evade the awkward quiet, you told him about your parents. How they argued when you were a kid, and how they're arguing now when you're older. "I am genuenly sorry about that ma'am..." Norman said, sounding genuenly sorry for you.
"You can never pick what family you get thrown into" you smiled tiredly. Norman just nodded at that with his god damn perfect ass smile...

You continued the talk a little untill your eyes wandered at the clock and- my god almost midnight? How? What? Does time go diferent when you're with a crush or??? You pointed  the time news out to Norm and he quickly stood up, offering to lead you back to your room. You agreed with a little blush and went on out. You walked the stairs and halls with him, still talking and giggling. The world truly felt diferent when you were by his side...

Eventualy you finnaly reached the door to your room and it was time to say goodbye. Your heart ached a little when it had to leave. You two goodbyed each other for long and you even slightly thought...Just a little...About Norman being the gentlest gent out there and giving you a good night's kiss. But no, it is far too soon for that. A lass can dream though...You were interupted by more screams and punches to walls from your neighbors. Theese two..."Ah god... I'll have to do something with that...I-I should've rewriten your room somewhere else...I-I'm sorr ma'am..." He facepalmed gently. "It's okay Norman. I'll pull through. And please...Just call me (y/n)" you smiled at him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. You saw him blush a little as he gave a last quick goodbye and left in a hurry.

1140 words

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